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hunting ban

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All of this assumes that the anti's give a f**k about animals but the fact is they don't it is all about the crusade and having a reason to live their shitty lives they need a purpose to feel fulfille

this is an interesting thread,simply for the fact that the anti's that do moniter this site may "LEARN" or try to understand what they are up against when they try an supress the hunting people of the

just watched a video of the hares on altcar before the ban came in they were running round everywhere.now if the rumours are even half true they are thin on the ground around there compared to preban

just watched a video of the hares on altcar before the ban came in they were running round everywhere.now if the rumours are even half true they are thin on the ground around there compared to preban numbers and it got me thinking the average anti would prefer to see no hares at all if it meant no one was hunting them which is so wrong and proves that they havnt a clue when it comes to conservation and actually having the animals future at heart.the ban was wrong in so many ways but none moreso than saying it was for the welfare of the animals themselves how can this be true when theres more being killed than ever with fox and hare drives and not having a go at shooters just the ban itself and the reasons for bringing it in .



All of this assumes that the anti's give a f**k about animals but the fact is they don't it is all about the crusade and having a reason to live their shitty lives they need a purpose to feel fulfilled and if that is fighting what they see as the moral high ground then so be it.How sad that they feel the need to worry about what we do when most of us enjoy our lives hunting that we don't have time to give a f**k what others do with their's :thumbs:



Exactly Dan, these people are so wrapped up in there own bubble its unreal they offer no real argument towards conservation of any animal only there warped sense of righteousness, there nothing but poke my nose in, tree hugging nothing better to do with my life, SCUM.




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blan 89 it would be great if a few antis reading this did try to see our point of veiw but i dont hold out much hope ime 57 and have argued /discussed our way of life with hundreds over the years and only ever had a proper discussion with one who spoke any sense and he happened to be a sixteen year old anti we did attempt to have a proper debate discussion and we agreed to differ but he was polite and pretty well imformed which is a change .one other point when the marches were on and the ban hadnt yet been brought in i like thousands of otheres went on all the marches and then some including things that cant be said on a open forum. but and heres the big but there were loads that i know that couldnt be bothered and they were the ones moaning the loudest when the ban came into force some of the cheeky b*****ds even said you should have been doing this or that when they couldnt bee bothered to get off their ass to do anything themselves.now gotta be honest that really makes my blood boil nearly as much as the antis.

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I have said this before if all these antis where really in it for the thought they were doing kind/good then if they put all that effort time and money helping the sick/dieing and suffering children of the world then it would be a better world to live in ten fold as they make a lot of noise but then again most are from rich families that are in it for the kudos and the rest just in it to join the crowd and get out of work cuz surely someone that has to go to work and look after a family after ain't got the time to be doing stupid stunts that do more harm than good

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you would think if someone was going to put so much effort and time into protesting..shouting from roof tops.....then they would put the suffering of humans first.....too much time on their hands i think and a lot of them are funded by mummy and daddy..they like to join a fad....veggie.........anti hunt.....they think its trendy !

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theirs only a ban in your head mate fck the banning its just aword im out every othernight dont no what the fuss all about a ban only aplies if ya give a toss and most on here dont the only anti iknow is antifreeze if your a true lurcher person your out working dog no time to worry a bout a fcking law :thumbs:

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try telling that to the coursing boys that have had their vehicles and driving licences taken off them and ime one of them thats out regular with my dogs a mate of mine is waiting to go to court for the 27 th time later this month thats right the 27th time try telling him theres no ban .mind you he doesnt care a feck about the ban either .still out after long ears all winter .

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ive seen anti's out with the local hunt throwing stone wall toppers down tryin to hit the hounds!!! and you hear the stories of them tryin to poison hounds...they really dont care bout animals...and ive seen it when i went to uni myself they just want to rebel and join a cause ..something to do on the weekend...rich kids..and yet they say its people that hunt that are the upper classes!!!!..the ones that will actually listen and debate with you they can never win when u challenge them because they know nothing about the things they are trying to stop..how can you oppose something when u dont even take time to learn about what your opposing...idiots ..lol

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Whatbo find irritating go way back.... Before the gun what I'd humans use to hunt.... Before the manufacture of processed foods..... It was all about a man and his dog/wolf ... The antis should read a book and look on there human history IMO I bet none of them work do they the voluntarily protest for pointless reasons... Maybe they joule consentraight on rising fuel cost and things like that because if prices keep rising them my dog won't just be filling the freezer for himself but for me an my family also..... Rant over

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