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About bendrover

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Sunny Glasgow

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  1. I can't understand the need to cull every rabbit. Release in areas where they are sparse . But I advise doing it around towns and houses . Places the shooters can't whack them . Let there numbers get up . And introduce rabbits from totally different areas . It strengthens the gene pool
  2. I reintroduced them back to a few areas . Only moving bunnies late January to help keep disease down . Few plac3s doing real well last couple of years. Got whacked with rhvd2 last week . Makes you wonder if it's worth it
  3. Pm d . But big Glen is the sire . Dogs a legend
  4. Couple of good litters not far from you d
  5. Lovely pup. And bred to the hilt
  6. I couldn't agree more pal . What I'm saying is . A proven stud is exactly that . And the owner , if he's clever .won't be displaying his charge to all and sundry. It's a sad fact of today's society ( dog thieves) as two crows said there's a few out there covering any bitch that comes , and they have been real good dogs . But look past their ability (breeding) . Where's the good siblings , parents or grandparents? . Then ask where are the good pups out this dog . You will at least hear about them as people can't keep their gob shut. There are lads out there that are brutally honest. If you c
  7. Imo . Certain lines throw certain traits . Some drill the life out old puss . Some boxy . In today's environment, a friend can arrange a day out , ask for permission to video the stud and relay it back . Then delete . You have an idea what your getting even before you see a few clips . Confirm it and get it done if your happy
  8. It's everyone's right to use whatever stud they like mate . But what are they creating . Sometimes the bitches lineage is so strong she can be very dominant in the pups . Far more knowledgeable lads than me have made a pigs ear of it with both stud and dam looking great on paper . But if a stud dog is producing to a variety of bitches . Mg money is on him
  9. Show me a guarantee regarding breeding ????? All you can do is give yourself the best odds . Hence a proven stud . Go to a great runner that has poor lineage. Most likely can't reproduce himself . It's hard enough breeding a litter , at least give yourself better bet .
  10. In fairness. The lines on both parents are so strong . It's a strong possibility they will throw the way they should . Don't believe any non ped whippet in there like was mentioned by the poster tho.its all a lottery . Seen some real good dogs run . But they never throw a pup . Best from tried and tested line Imho
  11. A lot of chicken mince is carcasses and wings. The bone in the mince blocks the ferrets intestines.
  12. Sounds like secondary poisoning or gastroenteritis pal . You don't feed then minced chicken by any chance?
  13. That is a proper made little dog. Built for speed . But bet it can hang on a bit . Very nice
  14. Totally agree. The litter I bred years back . I had 3 in mind . I sent messages to two of the owners . One owner asked a dozen questions about my bitch . The other owner sent back a simple message..." £1000" . Both extremely well bred . Great blood behind them . But I liked the sharp breeding behind dancers line and the fact the owner wanted to protect the studs reputation. I know he has turned numerous bitches away since . Says a lot . But most don't care and the £££s rule
  15. Good studs are hard to come bye . You need to know if he's already a producer . How strong his lineage goes back out of proven dogs. The traits he throws , and if they suit your bitches style . Then most importantly ask yourself is the bitch truly worthy of breeding, would all pups be placed in good homes . Would you be better getting a well bred pup out of more tested stock etc . If the decision is still to breed yourself. Then find the best suited stud pays your money. Travel to Timbuktu if needed and cross your fingers . You need a helluva lot of luck. If they don't click there's absolu
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