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all rapists no matter what race should be shot after conviction anyone know what happens to rapists under shria law ??


Sharia law and rape,


A woman must have "4 reliable witnesess" to her being raped,a "reliable witness" means a male witness,so in sharia a man could only be convicted if the woman had 4 male witnesess to her being raped?


Rape victims in muslim countries are often,imprisoned,beaten,lashed and even stoned for "THEIR CRIME OF BEING RAPED"


Islam doesnt hold the male rapist responsible for his actions,thats why women have to wear a tent,if they show anything a male "could be enticed to rape her"


But what do you expect when muslims follow a bloke who shagged a 9 year old when he was 54?


All races,creeds,colours have their share of rapists/perverts,the BIG DIFFERENCE is islam is the only religion [cult imo] that actually condones it and protects the guilty men,this isnt "extremists" or a "small minority" its actually in their culture and religion,but of course "we shouldnt say anything,and have "respect" for their ways/religion otherwise we would be "biggots" or my personal favourite "racist"


PS islam is a "religion" not a f*****g "race"

The nonce caught in Birmingham working in the nursery was he Muslim The women caught messing with kids in the Nurseries in Bristol the Father who imprisoned his own daughters and bred kids from them all white Christians I think these Pakistani men were scum plain and simple dont blame Islam for something that people themselves do all the Catholic priests messing with kids I think you will find they are white christian does that make all catholics scum get a life and live in the real world a b*****d is a b*****d irrespective of race colour or religion.

Edited by desertsong
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For example desertsong would you say it's ok for a Muslim man in certain Eastern countries to have sex with a 12 year old child? Yes or no will do.


The problem lies with the way some groups feel they have to take the Koran word for word. At the time it was written, the average human lifespan was probably no more than 25 years. Back in those days, a girl was deemed to be a woman as soon as she had her first period. Fast forward 1400 years, it's simply not the case and is probably deemed as unacceptable by all but the most hardline..

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Exactly Steve. S if a woman had the guts to to go to police about a rape she would mote than likely be classed as an adulterer and cast aside by her own family local community and in a lot of cases killed for bringing shame on her family and religion it would of been her fault she would of asked/wanted it another thing desertsong if there was a gang of cristiansgoing round targeting Muslim girls raping drugging and beating them not just an isolated case but loads what would happen in any Muslim country including Iran I tell you what there would be a lynch mob and there'd be beaten to an inch of there lives then beheaded and the rest of the Christian comunify would be targeted true or false what is happening to Christian minorities in M/E now there getting blown up by their own countrymen because there not Muslim that's what's starting to get the average white person back up one rule for them another for us

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The nonce caught in Birmingham working in the nursery was he Muslim The women caught messing with kids in the Nurseries in Bristol the Father who imprisoned his own daughters and bred kids from them all white Christians I think these Pakistani men were scum plain and simple dont blame Islam for something that people themselves do all the Catholic priests messing with kids I think you will find they are white christian does that make all catholics scum get a life and live in the real world a b*****d is a b*****d irrespective of race colour or religion.


A b*****d is a b*****d, Yeah we understand that. But YOU are still missing the point!


The difference is that your religion says its fine to have sex with female children. Our laws don't say it's acceptable to touch kids in nurseries and the Catholic religion does not say it's acceptable to molest children and that is the difference! It's what's deemed acceptable. Your scriptures tell you that it is fine to have sex with kids.


All though it happens with in all cultures at least WE acknowledge that it's wrong, where Muslims like you will try and play it down and say that it's acceptable in other countries if they give consent (as proven earlier).


Face it, for as long as you abide by those teachings, you will never be accepted by any decent able minded Westerner anywhere.

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There has to be something wrong with a religion or culture that finds it acceptable to stone a woman to death for having an affair with another man yet considers it acceptable for a grown man to have sex with a child.... :no:


Just doesn't seem right to me IMO

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Jack Straw had a very valid point.....shame that it is political suicide to say anything that is deemed as racist in this country :wallbash: :wallbash:


He is fully aware of all the statistics and extent of the potential problem :notworthy: but by going public he is ridiculed as being racist whereas in my opinion he is telling the truth about a problem that needs a specialist police division that can tackle the issue properly and ensure that those people who are specifically targeting vulnerable girls are given lengthy sentences :thumbs: :thumbs: .


The problem when trying to tackle this type of crime is proving the identities of those involved as soon as they are aware the police are investigating they move home to another relative or accuse the police of racial harassment and tie down the investigation in red tape ...plus witness evidence can easily be dismissed by the defence because if the witness only knew a first name how can they prove which guy it was as often the asians use the same first name! Nightmare.....that is how so many of them get away with it.:censored: :censored:

Edited by dave1372
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Consent is the optimum word is islamic society consent is required even thought the age of consent is as low as 12 years old. In Western society the age of consent is 16 but we are not talking about consent here ...




The girls that were molested were not forced to have sex with the men that picked them up originally. They consented to sex with the men that picked them up originally, so there for under your Sharia law it is perfectly acceptable what these animals did to these girls.


Under our laws, you are considered a nonce if you have sex with a child under the age of 16. So to us, Islam is a nonce religion. 12 years of age an acceptable age for sex? :no: That's f*cking disgusting!!!!!

The girls didnt consent otherwise the ones over 16 would have been consenti9ng adults they were drugged beaten molested and the same for the younger girls your opinions are limited to what your country law says if the age of consent in the middle east is 12 then this is thier law not yours so they are within the law most iof the debauchery raping pillaging stealling around the world was carried out under the union jack if you know your countries history so dont be so rightious wrong actions and illegal acts apply to all society only man made laws have differences racism is also a crime isnt it in Uk or are you also selective in which laws you obey?

Racism is only a crime if your WHITE muslims waving placards calling soldiers baby killers ,burning poppys,bombing london thats not racist then what fxcking planet you live on?

I live on the same planet as you thousands of innocent women and kids killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because America wanted to invade . Colour of skin is easy to hide behind black or white a c**t is a c**t in any language or are some kids less important because they are not white?



unfortunate about the kids being killed,but i tyhink if you did some research you would find that a lot more kids are brutally abused and killed by thier own country folk,rather than US and UK soldiers.All those suicide bombs going off in iraq and afghan land isnt done by western soldiers.so lets not go down the road of calling the troops killers of innocent kids.

1985 America financed the Taliban throught the Interservice intelligence agency of Pakistan to fight the Russians in Afghanistan they taught them to make ied and trained them in guerilla fighting Ossama Bin ladens family recieved thier wealth through contracts with American and British oil companies the SAS could have killed him in Torra Bora caves in 2004 but were ordered to withdraw so check your history friend I know because I am ex military from Iran special forces


How many women and children did the Iranian special forces kill and torture? I take it you have moved to Britain? Your English is very impressive if your Iranian :hmm:

Desertsong i think your special,but special forces not so sure.

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Consent is the optimum word is islamic society consent is required even thought the age of consent is as low as 12 years old. In Western society the age of consent is 16 but we are not talking about consent here ...




The girls that were molested were not forced to have sex with the men that picked them up originally. They consented to sex with the men that picked them up originally, so there for under your Sharia law it is perfectly acceptable what these animals did to these girls.


Under our laws, you are considered a nonce if you have sex with a child under the age of 16. So to us, Islam is a nonce religion. 12 years of age an acceptable age for sex? :no: That's f*cking disgusting!!!!!

The girls didnt consent otherwise the ones over 16 would have been consenti9ng adults they were drugged beaten molested and the same for the younger girls your opinions are limited to what your country law says if the age of consent in the middle east is 12 then this is thier law not yours so they are within the law most iof the debauchery raping pillaging stealling around the world was carried out under the union jack if you know your countries history so dont be so rightious wrong actions and illegal acts apply to all society only man made laws have differences racism is also a crime isnt it in Uk or are you also selective in which laws you obey?

Racism is only a crime if your WHITE muslims waving placards calling soldiers baby killers ,burning poppys,bombing london thats not racist then what fxcking planet you live on?

I live on the same planet as you thousands of innocent women and kids killed in Iraq and Afghanistan because America wanted to invade . Colour of skin is easy to hide behind black or white a c**t is a c**t in any language or are some kids less important because they are not white?



unfortunate about the kids being killed,but i tyhink if you did some research you would find that a lot more kids are brutally abused and killed by thier own country folk,rather than US and UK soldiers.All those suicide bombs going off in iraq and afghan land isnt done by western soldiers.so lets not go down the road of calling the troops killers of innocent kids.

1985 America financed the Taliban throught the Interservice intelligence agency of Pakistan to fight the Russians in Afghanistan they taught them to make ied and trained them in guerilla fighting Ossama Bin ladens family recieved thier wealth through contracts with American and British oil companies the SAS could have killed him in Torra Bora caves in 2004 but were ordered to withdraw so check your history friend I know because I am ex military from Iran special forces


How many women and children did the Iranian special forces kill and torture? I take it you have moved to Britain? Your English is very impressive if your Iranian :hmm:

Desertsong i think your special,but special forces not so sure.



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all rapists no matter what race should be shot after conviction anyone know what happens to rapists under shria law ??


I would hazard a guess not a lot. Rape is probably looked upon as the woman's fault, she would probably get stoned to death or let off lightly with a flogging. Women don't have many rights in that type of country.

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On October 30, 2008, the United Nations condemned the stoning to death of Aisha Duhulowa, a 13-year-old girl who had been gang-raped and then sentenced to death by a Sharia court for fornication (Zina). She was screaming and begging for mercy, but when some family members attempted to intervene, shots were fired by the Islamic militia and a baby was killed.


Local Sharia courts in Bangladesh regularly punish raped minor girls and women by flogging and beating them with shoes.[1] Similar cases of punishing raped women are Mina v. the State, Bibi v. the State and Bahadur v. the State.[2] Sharia courts in Pakistan have punished thousands of raped women by long term imprisonment.


Good old Sharia Law eh.

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