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Its already been said but put the bowl in a corner and raise it up so he has to get on his back legs to drink it

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Just looking,124 views and 6 replies,I suppose theyd rather be tearing lumps out of each other on some other topic on here :icon_eek:

hes not doing it after hes been fed is he.had a fox terrier done it every time it was Fed.only way to stop him was to pick the bowl up as soon as he finished.
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had the same problem with one of mine,what i did was raised the bowl about 1 or 2 feet above his head height,in the corner of the run,when he wants a drink he has to stand on his back legs with his front legs up against the wall,problem solved

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Thanks for the replys guys,Ive actually raised his half barrell up on blocks,not so high as he needs to get up on his back legs.The dog fountain is a great idea ....BUT....hed definitely eat it in no time.Bosun I think your right but my mates 2 dogs also have the same habit,all from the same blood lines too.Strange that :blink: Found the thought of yer poor dog geting an eye socket full hillarious :laugh: I took this dirty b*****d for a 2 hr walk this morning and he pulls like tug of war team member so on arriving back home he was well fecked.I filled a fresh bowl of water and said to myself''HE WONT BE TOO FAST IN PISSING IN THIS''.he had a drink and I went about my cleaning duties and when I came back no more than 40 minutes later,he had added his own flavour to it.UN FU***N BELIEVABLE :doh: Ive moved his bowl all over the shop,into corners outa corners,to the back of the kennell,to the front of the kennell.MAKES NO FRIGGIN DIFFERENCE.Topper my mutt does the exact same,if i feed him I'll find both his water and his food bowl soiled.Fish he'll do it before,after and sometime I expect during his eating period ,the dirty shit.Chippy he might be a filthy shit but hes a hell of a worker and a bloody good guard dog too :thumbs: Billy the basher I went through the stage of taking away his water in the morning and returning it in the evening,I went and left it there all day a few times and he just fills it up more.Theres 3 of us with the 1 line of dogs and they ALL have this tendincy to this habbit,a family trait so to speak.Any idea where I might find this giant bottle mentioned?

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Jigsaw iv one of my young terriers has the same habbit but the way i overcame this was by puting his water bowl between his box and the kennel wall and the back of the wall creating alleyway the width of the bowl |*| if you get me so he has no way possible to piss in the bowl...

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I don't like the look of them water bottles, when my dogs have been out they gulp the water down like no ones business when we get back.


Imagine going to the pub after a hard days graft and you could only have a tot through a little straw :blink: F*ck that you wanna guzzle your ale down like a heathen!

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this might sound funny my dog was at the same crack so i got a piece of timber 6x1 and cable tieed it to the pen then i pissed on it and guess wat thats all he pisses on if that dosent work bait him over the head with the plank :chair:

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this might sound funny my dog was at the same crack so i got a piece of timber 6x1 and cable tieed it to the pen then i pissed on it and guess wat thats all he pisses on if that dosent work bait him over the head with the plank :chair:


you must have been in heat when you pissed on it :icon_redface: its all your female hormones

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