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  1. What age should i start training my 9 week old pup
  2. Hi All, My Whippet x Greyhound is about 18months old now. She is a great family pet and a natural at catching rabbits and even one muntjac (along with my border terrier). If I had more knowledge id love to use her for rabbits & lamping. The only downside to her is that she is very fussy about what she eats... I've tried meat, rice veg and meat/fish, biscuits, chicken skins and she still won't put any weight on. She rarely finishes a meal, and doesn't often eat in the mornings. I don't leave food down all day either. I'm a not concerned that she is unhealthy and it doesn't
  3. Hi everybody, I am a long time lurker of this forum and found a lot of good information here. This is my first lurcher pup and I (obviously) think she is coming along nicely. She is a Whippet x German Pinscher (the mating was more of an accident, but I know both parents and they are wonderful). I am from Germany so please beware that I am not allowed to work her here legally... Feel free to ask any questions you might have and have a good day!
  4. I’m just getting into this for my first season and doing quite well for my first season, just wanting any advice for starting out etc. These are my two bitches white and brindle is 7 and the black and white is 12 months.
  5. Here’s a few more pictures from some old lurcher dogs I grew up with.
  6. anyone experienced calluses on dogs toes how did they affect the dog did they still run the same ?
  7. Any litters coming up? Midlands area
  8. Here’s some old pictures of some dogs I’ve had when I was younger.
  9. Iv got a kelpie bull greyhound he’s 11 months old done all the training with him and thought he was ready to start lamping. I took him out to watch a few times end of last season and took him to watch again more recent before letting him off. His recall is normally spot on even in the day time if he is chasing a rabbit and I call him back he comes back. But when I take him out lamping as soon as he misses the rabbit his nose goes straight to the ground and there is no getting him back. Been told it’s called hunting up. Any ideas to fix it? Iv been told it might be the kelpie in him as they can
  10. Hi all, I'm new to Hunting life website and to the forums. I have just got a greyhound/deerhound pup (12 weeks old now) and just moved area. I am now in south Yorkshire and I'm looking for some permission or even better someone to have a mooch around with to start the pup off on some rabbits this season. Anyone can help or interested drop me a message. Thanks
  11. Good to be back. But the hole format has changed. And i cant find how to put photos up.
  12. For those not already aware, Alison Johnstone MSP (Scottish Green Party) has tabled a Private Member’s Bill, which if approved would have a severe, negative impact on all forms of hunting with dogs. It is presently out for public consultation and that consultation period ends on 15th September 2019, which is less than a month away. It’s essential that you and as many other likeminded individuals as possible respond before that date. Before responding, it’s advisable to read the comments and notes of guidance provided by the Scottish Countryside Alliance and/or Scottish Association of Cou
  13. Hi folks, after sadly loosing my 10months old pup last week I’m looking for a replacement. Ideally I want something from a pup to 5months old. Must be a male dog. With regards to the cross ideally I would want bull 1/4 bull greyhound x deerhound collie greyhound. If there’s anything about please let me know, thanks
  14. When in gods name has colour or a unique colour dictated the price of a dog .was browsing a few ads and saw someone wanting £750 for a pup . I am looking into the future so to speak in regards to replacement lurchers . things like stand out from the crowd I would if I dropped £750 on a pup because of its colour as a village idiot . I think upto about £250 + is not unreasonable due too feeding inoculations pet husbandry. But £750 its extracting the urine me thinks
  15. Well took a big leap of faith with my bitch having such a good collie grey for marking and ferreting all round really had my heart set out for another one. Whilst looking for one I came across a beddy whippet greyhound and after reading up about the x I thought I’d have ago. After many choice words, tantrums and hard work she really is proving to be a top notch dog marking is second to none catching bolting rabbits obedience and mostly her heart what a dog so happy everything paid off and if any ferreting man is looking for a hard working dog with brilliant Capabilities Don’t over look a bedl
  16. Im after abit of advice on training my 8month old bull X on the lamp.its my first dog I have had from being 9 weeks but have always been out with other lads. Wouldn’t say I’m a 100% newbie but still have a lot to learn. Any help is appreciated
  17. Hi Got a 7 month old Saluki cross on 6 week min cage rest anyone selling a mag box ? thanks
  18. Sadly Mick Douglas has passed away a few years ago ,its interesting to hear from others who knew him or met him . I had 2 lurchers from Mick and as you see later will put up some photos . I was young at the time ,but his advice on training and working was a great help,in my hunting trips. He was his own man ,living up on the marshes and had a lot of skills too. I enjoyed being in his present,never did i feel he talked bullshit and what was passed to me made a lot of sense, you be sadly missed my friend and thank you for sharing your knowledge to me ......
  19. An old NG photo, which did say 1950's but i'd go a bit earlier. Nice bit of nostalgia whatever the year...
  20. Hi I'm just wondering if there's anywhere near to Sunderland where I could take my 5 month old lurcher bitch to a racing club or anything similar thanks
  21. Hi folks, after sadly loosing my 10months old pup last week I’m looking for a replacement. Ideally I want something from a pup to 5months old. Must be a male dog. With regards to the cross ideally I would want bull 1/4 bull greyhound x deerhound collie greyhound. If there’s anything about please let me know, Willing to travel. Thanks
  22. Hi all I need of some advice and thought where best to ask! My lurcher pup is coming on well with her basic training a little head strong but all in all coming on very well only thing I seem to be struggling with is getting her used to the beam I’ve had her out with a rabbit skin dummy with reflective tape on it casting the dummy out and using the beam for her to see. Doing this hoping she will run down the beam and pick the dummy but she won’t look down the beam at all and the odd time when she does she won’t repeat it! She 9 months old and probably been doing it for 2 weeks not every night b
  23. I would like to buy a porta mag box I can't find one anywhere anyone know one for sale cheers
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