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Everything posted by Slippery_Weasel

  1. Thats been sorted already bud had a good interview with a main stream national paper Nice one! Hopefully the bad publicity will hit them hard!
  2. Once you have your result on this Dy have you managed to line up any mainstream press coverage of the case. Or do you think the outcome will come with a gagging clause?
  3. He's a bit more current than the others isn't he? Shows the problem is a bit more widespread than a few wrong uns back in the day.
  4. and the dumb f**k that go on his show making him a mint I never understand why people go on it. If you've just been caught shagging some heffer/your sister/ the neighbours Shetland pony... How is going on telly and talking about it going to help?!?
  5. Think I am sorted for the kits now. Offer of the vas hob still stands though
  6. I would never get tired of hitting that irritating little shite
  7. Lol ain't that the truth, I had one that was scared of almost everything you could point him at! The lad wasn't saying that adding bull doesn't add anything just that drive also can come from elsewhere
  8. There's a full range out now of different types of eddystone and redgills... they have moved with the times, savage and sidewinders would of left them behind else. I had a few small bass on little weighted redgills, in the teign estuary last year eddystone do a very similar type. Years ago on charter boats the only thing we used was black, orange or red regills for pollack, cod etc.... now you harly see anyone using them, i've boxes full of the old type, but still go for a sidewinder first.. has the fish changed or the angler? Next trip I might fish regills all day and see how they co
  9. Got your attention! Hi All, I need to bolster my team for next season so... does anybody have any intention of breeding their ferrets this spring? I am after a couple of jill kits if there are any available. Not fussed about colour etc. Ideally in Yorkshire or the North East Also not too fussy about them being kits, happy to rehome a pair of adult jills if anyone is wanting to move any on. On another topic I also have a vas hob if anyone needs any jills bringing out of season (providing i dont have go massively out of my way, get messed about, deal with bell ends etc) Cheers f
  10. I noticed you mentioned eddystone eels newkid. Do many on here still use them? How do they compare to more modern stuff? I got some in recently more out of nostalgia than anything as I always remember my grandads trolling rod permanently having one dangling off the end of it, that was about 30 years ago mind
  11. I keep the bolts seperate but as above it's not a legal requirement. My rifles and shotguns are also kept in the same cab
  12. If only you were closer, I have a few farms I would happily sign over to you Good luck finding somewhere. I bet there will be loads of lads on here who are keen to help you out with free permission
  13. Bones go to the dogs normally as do the feet. Usually very little gets left only the odd bit of hoof. The only thing I throw is the pelt usually. The head ends up in the bin usually once the ferrets have had first dibs on it. Pelt just goes in a plastic bag in the main bin
  14. Used a heavy duty school bag type thing for years that was sort of rubber lined. Could hold about 20 when full to the brim. I now use a mountaineering rucksack that's 75litres dread to think how many it can hold, certainly more than I'd be able to carry, can fit roe in it as well
  15. Think I will get some tinted stuff fitted and accept the fact that the inside of my car will always stink
  16. I would love a van or pick up. I think they can attract unwanted attention though. Even just driving to and from permission. Estate cars seem to glide under the radar that bit more. NL I haven't heard that, do you reckon a dog guard would be enough if/when law changes? I know what youre saying but the dogs being visible through the back windows can be a problem, I would say vans can attract a bit of unwanted attention especially at night from a rural crime point of view which is half the problem at the moment. But pickups really are a class above most farmers have them so you blend in when
  17. Both crocodile and kangaroo is good. I'll be popping in to get some I think, thanks for posting
  18. Miliband with a Cooker strapped to his back in the middle of the Atlantic... Now that would be reality TV worth watching! I hope labour never get into power again, so to that end long may he continue to be leader. disappointed with the lack of wanker/c**ts in your post mate but do firmly agree hes the c**t who should stay at the helm of that party What I don't understand is why anyone thought it would be a good idea to have him as leader.. If someone looks, sounds and acts like a c**t surely that should be enough of a hint that he is not going to get a shot at running the country. You
  19. Miliband with a Cooker strapped to his back in the middle of the Atlantic... Now that would be reality TV worth watching! I hope labour never get into power again, so to that end long may he continue to be leader.
  20. Great pics all, hope you've had a good season
  21. Not sure tbh. Just saw a couple of vids of JC talking about it. Not seen a vid of the actual incident
  22. My kids love the show, he is a bit if a twat granted but is also a pretty good export for this country. Plus anyone who has chinned piers Morgan gets my full support regardless
  23. Would love to have a bash at this. Is there a link you can point me at with a process?
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