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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. I've got hospital for Mrs, midday, want to jump on train and get there
  2. When's it starting?
  3. I love your "one meal a day!" Yeah kin 10 courses !!!! That looked top notch !
  4. I love olives ,my favourite snack, but you are obsessed man ! Get the staff to do some nice strong cheddar on toast ,topped with olives ! Comfort food ! Throw in a few cherry Tom's
  5. with a breathless " f**k me ,Leroy's just left ! "
  6. waltjnr


    Said in jest ,cracking picture, in black n white you'd not know what year it was taken 2nd look the lucozade might give it away !
  7. Every one's a winner ! Great grub as usual, expect nothing less from you !
  8. Yes I've looked at a few ,I'll give it a go ,
  9. waltjnr


    If ever emerdale needs a new dingle !
  10. It's horrible to witness the downfall, eradication of uk natives, whatever the big plan is it's going to plan ,a few over entitled rich overseeing a country full of third world degenerates,serving them ?? They're happy to live in filth ,now just have skytv, and a mobile ,I can never see a civil uprising, we are to dumbed down ,sad times ahead
  11. Arry ,do you do any pickling, I've grown those little cucumbers, and want to pickle em ,they look like little gherkins
  12. Now they sound interesting, what's the filling ?
  13. You are on great form on all subjects lately!
  14. Well done mate !
  15. Got any pics of the big mac pies cooked ,they look great I'm just seeing my pie man ,he does some good combo's
  16. Nah their not ,bin men fukc my journey to work every Monday!
  17. Brit soldier stabbed to bits ,and we're on to some prick at an airport getting some mild justice???
  18. Don't be a ncut you don't get a kicking, then you see some areas the police won't go ,just move there if you like living amongst scum
  19. Shouldn't laugh ,nigger wants a painful end ,should be are services go out in uniform, should be allowed there weapon ,
  20. Just an excuse to sit and do nothing, in beautiful surroundings
  21. House sitting for a mate,his little pond ,small common so far
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