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Everything posted by mackay

  1. mackay


    That'll be the clock in my car at the right time again for six months.
  2. Is it just me or are there a serious amount of fat folk going around. I don't mean pleasantly plump, I mean seriously morbidly obese. It's always hereditary or an under active thyroid or some other lame reason, never the fact that they're a lazy fcuk that eats too much. How the hell do you manage to go about your daily life the size some of these people are?.
  3. Quite simple, if you're able to work and won't then stop benefits.
  4. Got to be more to it than that mate. The average white native in this country is a limp dick in comparison to his forefathers ( I include myself). These feckers they are letting in still have a feral fcuk you attitude with little loyalty to anyone or thing. They won't roll over anytime soon like we have. Part of me is looking on with interest in a perverse way. When they're throwing gays and trans and whoever else they care to off of buildings and fcuking over the lives of the traitors standing with welcome placards I think I might actually enjoy it. How any government doesn't know where this
  5. Was it Mark Twain that said, "If voting actually changed anything, then they wouldn't allow you to vote". As an aside, if the figure is 83%, what the feck could any government do if we actually stood up and said enough is enough. The solution to this and many other problems is in our hands, we just haven't got the combined balls to do anything about it.
  6. There was never any chance of independence under sturgeons rule, even less so now (if that's possible) regardless of who they elect.
  7. It's quite simple mate, she got the whole of the republican vote (still needed the greens mind you) and the unionist vote was split between the other parties. That's after giving the vote to 16 yr olds and all and sundry. The figures for independence haven't changed despite what certain polls say. She knows it, she's jumped before she was pushed because she knows she can't deliver and now even the diehards are wakening up. She's (the snp) have fcuked up everything they have turned their hand to. Ever watched her being interviewed?, way out her depth when challenged which is not what is the hal
  8. Seriously mate, she never was and never will be a brilliant politician.
  9. mackay

    Car washes.

    I nearly had that done at the car wash.
  10. Going by the amount of fat bstards now a food shortage would be no bad thing. Obesity, there's your next pandemic coming down the line.
  11. mackay

    Car washes.

    If only I was closer.
  12. mackay

    Car washes.

    For the record guys, it's the first time I've ever used these types of places, usually do it myself but the guy was enroute to get the car and I was struggling for time.
  13. mackay

    Car washes.

    Did cross my mind mate, kept getting flashbacks to that taken film.
  14. Sold my hilux yesterday so when I was cleaning it out to go I thought feck it I'll run it up to the local car wash. I think they are albanian and if they are I now know a lot of albanian swear words. Anyway, drives in and immediately in a queue people in front, people behind and another row of cars to the right hand side, so basically committed (trapped). Got off to a bad start, up to the window comes this guy with a mullet, a milky eye and a seriously bad attitude. How much I asks, 15 pounds he says, nearly stalls the car, don't bother says I. Kicks off gets heated and after a lot of effing a
  15. Whilst I am sympathetic and I hope this lady turns up safe and well I can't help but think it's turned into the adult version of the Maddie Mccann case.
  16. Cause none of the other parties do that ?.
  17. Nine hundred in the last week and over two thousand this year, we've already bust Jan/Feb last year numbers.
  18. I went to the Hyde park rally and the London march to support and defend hunting with dogs. Not just for the hound packs but knowing full well if they went then lurcher and terrier work would soon follow. In Scotland we're fcuked, with scenes like that you English lads won't be far behind us. I'd also just add, if the mounted well heeled packs could have thrown the lurcher and terrier boys under a bus to preserve " real hunting " they sure as hell would have.
  19. That video would make me want to ban hunting. To be fair though I've never actually considered going out in a gang and rampaging through the countryside as hunting.
  20. A drop in the ocean mate, until we grasp the whole shitshow this is just grandstanding.
  21. It would help if the government actually wanted to deport them, or better still stop them arriving here in the first place.
  22. In the meantime way worse than her are arriving daily and we (the public) are looking after their every needs. She's a rat, but this whole scenario is just a farce to give the outraged public something to focus on.
  23. I have a simple easy policy regarding charities. Give them feck all.
  24. Whether brexit has been a good or a bad result has never actually been proven or tested. Due in no small way to the fact as soon as the result was declared the remain side went all out ( and have been doing so since) to make sure that it was a total clusterfuck.
  25. mackay

    6 Nations.

    More importantly, will the fans sing Delilah ??.
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