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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Justin fashnu has been mentioned a lot in this story ,always ending in the fact that he committed suicide ,as though society made being gay too much of a cross to hear ....I still haven't heard one news outlet mention he was on bail for the rape of a young man at the time .
  2. The War on the West ...by Douglas Murray ...addresses these issues brilliantly .
  3. No ,I'm sure it was dogs Ken
  4. I'm not getting into an argument or discussion about it ,....it's f***ing wrong ,parents who take their kids to those beaches are sick ,it's not cultural ,it's not modern or trendy it's just sick ..adults who attend these beaches with tadgers or growlers on show are sick ,people who attend these beaches but try to justify it ,saying they stay away from the rest ,got blow up islands ,or it's cultural are sick ,so you crack on and do what you do ,but I would prefer it if you didn't reply to any of my posts .
  5. 100% ...pull your tackle out in front of kids in a town ...your a nonce Pull your tackle out in front of kids on a beach ,with their noncy parents permission ,your a nonce ...the only difference is legality .
  6. Astanley


    Could you pm me whereabouts on the stour it is please
  7. Did you come on this topic because you saw the title and thought it was about air gunners ?...ye me too .
  8. Get yourself one of them fitbit things mate ,I think you will be genuinely surprised at the distances you think you've done to what you actually did ,
  9. Edited to add ,it turns out the old chap who came over ,wasn't Portuguese he was Brazilian ,which for no rational reason makes it even better for me .
  10. hes at the Fowler academy mate ,
  11. My 15 yr old Grandson played in a cup final today ,had a good game ,I was already very proud ,there was a little family group from Portugal watching ,I think they had a connection to one of the players ,the old grandad walked over sought my grandson out and told him in broken English they thought he was very good ,pointed to the little group and they were all clapping him ,my heart nearly burst out my chest with pride .
  12. No I think it's a few years old mate ,there is a film ,which I had to watch which I enjoyed ,then a tv series which kept me happy all week ,and I got a running commentary from a 9 yr old ,which lent it a whole new perspective .
  13. I don't really watch TV or films ,but I have been baby sitting lately and had to sit through ,A series of unfortunate events ,Lemony Snickert ,....and it's brilliant ,
  14. I think you've crossed a line there to be honest Alby ,,the poor fella is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality ,he has been traumatised by getting bitch slapped by a Blackpool dyke ,he is doing his best ,I think you should back off .
  15. You could be on to something ,best cammo gear to wear in back garden ,best scrim mesh for looking sinister ,best sweets for bait etc
  16. Don't think the locals would be impressed getting swamped by a horde of inbred ,velocity faced ,shi t talking ,nonce looking oddities that make up the air gunners community ,,every weekend.
  17. Just like the old Friday night's this ...I love it
  18. I watch CNN and FOX news ,there is a strange type of honesty in their dishonesty (is that an oxymoron Rich?)neither hide the fact that they are biased ,they lie ,distort ,omit and preach an agenda ......you know they are doing it ,they know that you know ...but somehow by listening to the lie and what they don't say then you can get to an approximation of truth ...it's like doing a cryptic crossword .
  19. My mate was lamping a hare once when it ran straight into his legs ,he did a face plant right onto his lamp ,broke his nose and lost a couple of teeth ,...I nearly died laughing ,does that count ?
  20. Mr black and white brain ??. The man is probably one of most open to discussing different viewpoints on here .....you know I like you grebster ,but ffs
  21. The only thing I found objectionable about that article was the flowery ,faux Hemingway ,rhetoric used in a desperate effort to rack up the drama ,other than that ,well done that man ,and what an impressive beast .
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