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Outlaw Pete

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Everything posted by Outlaw Pete

  1. Mark; It's all set, mate! Pink thing's sat atop a nice little dome of concrete. Belying what's going on underneath it all. I just have to attach the chain now ~ that's all made up and laying in my kitchen. I just haven't bothered yet, because the weather's so poxy, right now, I wouldn't chain them out other than for their feeds. We must, surely, get some half decent weather presently? Then I'll get them out in it and shall show Pesticle's full rig Couple of people have seen the pink thing now. Both extremely impressed with it! Thanks again! Brilliant piece of kit!
  2. Dear f**king god!!! Grab a straight, pint glass, lads. That's Six Inches! Now grab another one ..... The Horror!!!
  3. Spot on! British street at night time. Revellers about. Bloke takes his shirt off ....? Ye know, right there, it's the coming of a You Tube episode!
  4. Stove's not on, mate. But, yeah; Perhaps I could take it to bed with me. Let the body heats warm it up?
  5. They've definitely got teflon backers, mate. Frankly? I'd raise a glass if I heard they were both found, shot in the face, tomorrow. But, the levels they're operating at? They probably have round the f**king clock, SAS protection. Paid for by the tax payers.
  6. Oh .......... I was enjoying a quiet shufty through what they had there, and what they said about it. Till I looked at Badgers: " Population: Estimated to be 300,000 adults living in 50,000 groups, 50,000 are killed each year on the roads and 10,000 are still killed each year by illegal baiting. " And they get that figure from ....?!?
  7. I grew up, through my earliest days, with a sort of awed fascination for the DDT. I think it was my Grandmother who spoke of knowing one, back in Her day ..... Vicious, untrustworthy little shit too, by all (of her) accounts. How many of the great unwashed now say that of JRTs? Sorry. Today, of course, it's APBTs . SBTs. What ever, half real, Dog the masses take on as the latest fad. They get mass bred. Saturate society. Shit Dogs find even more shit owners and the blue touch paper starts to fizzle. Interesting though: That the DDT was the Terrible Terrier of, I dunno? Century
  8. No, Scotty. Now what ye gonna do about it? Type shit on an internet forum ....?
  9. Scotty; The wanker icon just seemed to encapsulate my response to this whole, internet hard man deal. I happen to like Dogs. I ask nothing penis enhancing of them. They come to me? They stay with me. I don't need to show myself as a " Hunter ", by proxy, through a Dog. I Just Like Dogs. And I have a long, and proven, record of putting my money where my mouth is. I never knock those who don't do as I do. It's a choice, to try and help Dogs or not. Have a problem with Dogs? Join the arsepca and do something about it. Physically, hands on, kill the f**king things yeself. Day in. Day o
  10. Where's that then, Pinnacle? Never heard of it before. Oh, f**k me! JD's beaten me to it!
  11. Quality such as This ....! Yeah. Don't let the looks fool ye. There's so much more to this Dog than legs That's my little mate, Nigger. (Fancy name: " Niggy Niggy Ning Nang Nooo ") He answers to either. Took an eight hour taxi trip, across various counties, to fetch him from a pound. Did that on the strength of a single snap shot I saw on here. Dog's repaid me, ever since, by assiduously sniffing out all and any, furred or feathered game Anywhere. And flushing it so that it either brushed my hair or ran across my boots. He's completely adopted Pesticle as well,
  12. Nice work, Andy! Every chance the arsepca will be on hand too then. Looking out for " Illegal Types of Dogs "!
  13. Was it you brought him over here?!? OMFG! I remember ye face ~ vaguely enough, after this time. But, I remember it. I was flat broke, that day. I was embarrassed at how little I gave ye, for the petrol. But, it was every last cent I had. Nothing left for a celebratory pint. Had to owe the taxi to get him home Classic moment: Ye'd just pulled away and poor Dinger ~ having been drugged and hauled across god knows ~ simply dropped his guts, in a steaming heap, right on Paddy Killraine's doorstep! A couple of young locals, having a fag outside of Jim's, looked on and said; " Ye Not
  14. Barn owl. I know this. I kept one, in my bedroom. F**king thing would drop to the floor. " Slup! ". Regular as clock work. Every forty seconds. Silently fly back up there. Look at ye. Drop! " Slup! ". I, frankly, don't give a f**k How f**king 'Game' ye reckon you, or ye Dog are. Several weeks of That sort of sleep deprivation and ye'd Both be f**ked!
  15. le Ding!!! Bless him! He still has these weird, idiosyncratic little tufts of fur that turn lighter, and stick out of his upper back legs. It's f**king murder. Because, they come loose from his skin and plucking them out is like popping bubble wrap. It just screams out to be done! But, as I Always warn close visitors: " Don't Touch le Dinger! He Will f**king have ye! " Funniest Dog. I love to treat myself to the, very occasional and transient feeling of one of his ears. It always creates that perfect frisson. The sweetest sensation of feeling that huge, soft, furry ear slip throu
  16. Nettle clearly knows what to do, when not called upon!
  17. Hang on ..... Hang on! Simple google of their name brings up ~ after a long list of cats, Cats, Cats! We get: " The Animal Centre is licensed by the RSPCA to home at any one time 30 dogs and 81 cats. Whilst we will look to take in stray cats or animals that need rehoming we are not licensed or empowered to take in stray dogs. " Here. Could anybody please explain to me since when the Arsepca (A Public CHARITY) Became a Licensing body for Anything??? Does Oxfam License the affairs of English Nigerians?!? Dy; Maybe WC Arsepce would like to shed some light on these concerns?
  18. Some Land On Their Feet
  19. Surely to god they have nothing to do with the lot that hit your lad?! If not? What business is it of theirs? They should plainly disassociate themselves from the Arsepca altogether and distance themselves from that vile reputation.
  20. I have my own " Few Other Ingredients " lined up, Woodga F**king bucket's been sat out there for days now. In the cold and wind. FS! I've half a mind to refreeze it. Wait till some truly decent weather arrives. Then start again. I'd even buy meat from the butcher. I've simply not enough of anything suitable here.
  21. Here ye go ...... Cotoneaster & Fuscia Ivy Tower Cotoneaster (Old Gate Optional) Bramble All excellent shit for birds
  22. Cotoneaster, planted with Fuscia amongst it would be a great start. Former providing winter food and spring nesting cover. Latter adding another dimension to the cover and the very pretty flowers for later in the season. Good for the bees too. I have this mix here (Fuscia is sort of naturalised here). I wouldn't change it for the world. If ye don't have kids or free running Dogs ~ or are prepared to fence it off ~ then Pyracantha (" Fire Thorn ") is a f**king beauty to plant round ye perimeters. No f**ker's gonna come over ye walls / fences and plunge into That shit, to get at ye Dogs!
  23. Narrow it a bit more, please, Basil. What exactly is the purpose of this shrubbery?
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