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Everything posted by Sighthound

  1. agreed but I only get 22ish mpg with mine..
  2. To start smoking and drinking again. I've been a miserable f**cker since I stopped.
  3. It really is quite scary that the RSPCA thought it was a buzzard! They'll probably 'release' it back into the wild
  4. I did youtube 'BOIL' and wish I hadn't http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzOum3d05Y Must be some relief
  5. you don't need a licence for any BOP.....sadly.
  6. Are you feeding them too much? Only feed when flowers set. If you feed before then the plant will put on lots of green growth but no flowers.
  7. This site will give you loads of advice. http://www.landscapejuicenetwork.com Paul Power's book 'How to start and run your own Gardening business' - marvellous stuff, can order of Amazon. Your biggest problem is getting enough work to last you through the winter. You will never make a living charging £10 per hour the average is £15, this is if you do it legit, eg Public liability, Waste transfer license, Ni, Tax etc. My mower for example costs over a grand (not a ride on) that cost me £4K, then you need strimmers. chainsaw, blower etc etc....oh and a van. Plus chainsaw certificate
  8. Thanks Sighthound,i'm aware that i need to water frequently,just wondering though on a day like today i've watered it about 3 times already,wasn't expecting it to be this sunny,i suppose i've got to water more often now as thbe soil is drying fast on thbe surface,what frequency and intensity would you reccommend? Just keep the soil damp the ground will be sucking in the water from below and it will be evaporating from above best to water morning and evening when it's cooler. Luckily now it's warm you won't have to wait long until germination. Looking forward to seeing some pics in a
  9. Top tip now the seed is down is water water and water. Don't over water so the seeds 'float' just make sure the soil is always damp, little and often. I've seeded a few lawns (I'm a gardener) and despite telling the customers this they often ring to say the grass has not grown, when I visit the soil is bone dry and look surprised when I say a weekly sprinkle is not enough.
  10. Yes just feed the same as bantam chicks.
  11. Any advice on how to rear them when hatched? You don't have to do anything (apart from providing chick feed) the hen will look after them.
  12. Yes I hatched a mix of golden, silver and amethyst pheasants under a broody hen for a mate, no problems, I just let them get on with it.
  13. I hear what you are saying Tracey but would you ever forgive yourself if that was your daughters or sons face?
  14. When two bitches take a dislike to each other it is much harder to stop than two dogs. Bitches never seem to forget whilst a dog if it takes a beating will submit. Mine started when my father in law gave them one juicy bone between the two of them. Up until that point they had been no trouble and they had been bought up together for four years and believe me they were well worked.
  15. As I said in your original post it will happen again, not having a go but speaking from experience, I kept a whippet and terrier (both bitches) who lived together for 4 years without any trouble until one day they had a major fight. After that I had to seperate them at all times which was a major pain in the arse and stressful. One day my daughter left a door open and they all but killed each other and my terrier snapped at me as I seperated them. I had both mine PTS. You know what you have to do it could of been your daughters face that they bit.
  16. Just finished reading Obamas autobiography 'Dreams from my Father', as you say his mum married an Indonesian and they lived there. Whats the problem? Perhaps he had duel nationality? Who gives a f**k or is his colour rather than his birth place a problem to you?
  17. I had a greyhound that had what sounds the same condition, It was Acidosis as Riohog said caused by lactic acid build up. Read the bit on acidosis here. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZBRMVTakMCwC&pg=PT4&lpg=PT4&dq=lactic+acid+build+up+greyhounds&source=bl&ots=dHASWj-s_u&sig=PJ66kI4S1pVae3t8puz2UX_kz1I&hl=en&ei=4e2sS-u8EMH24Aa44bHaDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CB0Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=lactic%20acid%20build%20up%20greyhounds&f=false
  18. try this. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PLAN-to-Build-a-CHEAP-upto-48-egg-INCUBATOR-20-or-less_W0QQitemZ370351859942QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Poultry?hash=item563ab0e8e6 Mind you you could buy this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Forced-Air-Incubator-fan-assisted-hatch-your-own-eggs_W0QQitemZ280482269259QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Poultry?hash=item414e0bc84b
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