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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. Are they taking sides or removing the people that continue to cause issues?
  2. When it wasn't molded properly people moaned non stop that a few members ruined every thread
  3. It's not a majority .... its less than 20 people, probably less than 10 on a site of 1000s
  4. Sorry tomo that comment wasn't aimed at you; it was just in reply to GM, half the issue people have is he is an ex copper and they've said that multiple times
  5. I don't think paulus was active during that period. I'm also not 100% the game comment is strictly true, more how he interpreted a comment made by kd Some of the things said about his misses and kid weren't on but he also bought other people's families into it when people hadn't mentioned his
  6. They've just got there panties in a twist because nicepix was made a mod Some people have nothing to actually add that benefits the forum
  7. Wouldn't these threads be better in the suggestions section? Maybe start them a bitching section
  8. Sportingshooter was a really good mod on the chat years ago
  9. Seen them both give opinions on topics ; multiple times .... not allowed
  10. There's never been a 'suitable' moderator based on what you have put down as the criteria
  11. Noone but me on the bank today, real peace
  12. Christmas tourists; c**ts from up country that can't drive on any road with less than 4 lanes
  13. Beef and pork today; nodded off watching a film about 4 and not long woke up.
  14. Me and Mills had been looking for a gap just before Christmas to get out; finding a break in the weather and schedules wasn't easy though. I text him and asked if he was free in about 2 hours and it was game on; a few rigs ( with Limitless Sea Fishing LTD 3/0 Avenja xts on the business end with a chinu as pennel for myself) , weights and 30 frozen prawn between us. All set up and baits in the water; mills took the slack out of his rod once he thought it had settled in the tide and then it went slack again. He tightened it up again but it just dropped more slack so he picked it up a
  15. We ain't had any snow What a picture to have on your phone ???
  16. Imagine what you lot could do if you hand some free time on your hands
  17. Some drones have a follow setting, lad i fish with sets it to follow the kids on jetski and gets some really good footage.
  18. 2 days to the solstice; can't wait to not need a headlight on every tide
  19. Beef jalfrezi; f****d off the rice and loaded it into wraps ... much better imo
  20. My biggest mistake was getting kicked out if college meaning I couldn't finish my apprenticeship and only had 6 weeks to go. If I hadn't though I would have probably never ended up here. I was told as a teenager to never regret anything because at the time it was the perfect choice for you and will make you.
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