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South hams hunter

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Everything posted by South hams hunter

  1. No mate just fb; just for my sponsor is all. 3rd or 4th session I've wrote up for them Yes mate; the rough with the smooth and a good time with good mates. Thank you
  2. We arrived at the mark early, half expecting there to be people there and have to go elsewhere but luckily there wasn't a headlight in sight. We all got set up slowly due to being in no rush; nice and evenly spread out as with the tide pushing through lines can tend to stray a bit. Rig wise I had gone for Limitless Sea Fishing LTD 80lb XT super strength mono for rig body with 60lb for trace joined with limitless #4 Megapower SSXT super swivels and the same for the pulley swivel (these little swivels punch well above their weight with a breaking strain of over 170lbs!) with a single 3/0
  3. Just seen a post about this on fb; 30k part time job for the project
  4. Heating on? Fuxking fairies
  5. Some of them are whining though Stan, any member on here someone could give a reason why they shouldn't be a mod ... ultimately we don't have a say and if we don't like it then we can log off
  6. It is funny people whining like they have a say ... the site owner picks the mods; it is his site
  7. Who gives a f**k who's a mod ... none of us have a say in it and if you don't like the mods it's tough; it's only a mod job on a forum, it doesn't affect real life surely?
  8. Wonder if it's corbin or fcktheban or whatever they where called
  9. My favourite with tuna and cheddar
  10. 250g of self raising flour and 300ml of cold council pop. Dip the fish in seasoned flour and then in the batter mix is all mate
  11. Me and my mate dug today because we need bait for tonight aswell; he buried his kid ?
  12. By nicer people is what I normally say
  13. It opens and shuts fine mate They Call him clouseau ?
  14. Fish and chips; did it as bites because I had cod and whiting and is easier for the kids
  15. Collecting stuff in the woods today for the front door ?
  16. It's a good crack mate and I enjoy it but see so much dishonesty in it; know of so many getting back handers to say it was their bait, line or hooks but in reality it was just said for a promotion.
  17. It's really common in sea fishing; know plenty of lads that are sponsored (myself included) and get sent plenty of gear to try/review or post reports on. Know several of the lads that use other gear and just claim its the gear they were sent .... seen em buying gear that looks similar plenty of times.
  18. I had a 23tts bitch(admit she was a lurcher but over half whippet) that took roe, including bucks, regular. Snap; can remember seeing a member off here's little whippet cross bitch that used to have to just pin the rabbits because she couldn't carry them.
  19. We got in from fishing at 3 and was -0.5⁰
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