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Everything posted by AR177

  1. Send the forms off while your waiting
  2. You don't NEED a contract or anything like that, they are just very good practice when inevitably with rifles you need to deal with the police. You only need permission to shoot on the land from the landowner, if they say 'yeah sure go ahead' then your all good to go.. but then proving that to anyone else can be tricky. Here is a thread where a decent generic form was laid out, there is no standard form but something along these lines will work http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/40744-my-shooting-permission-forms-for-you-to-use/ Just a simple form saying who you are,
  3. Think we need a 'show us your 97' thread! like I said before very nice!
  4. I've been a member of B.A.S.C for about 5 years, there are many others but I find BASC has the best name or biggest reputation whatever you want to call it and a lot of landowners recognise it
  5. If you have a closed licence FAC air is too I believe, I am unsure though as my FAO told me I would have open on my FAC air and closed on the rimmys..... dosn't say anything different on my ticket though.. I should of probably chased that up. 'Closed' only means the police judge what cal can be used on land.. so aslong as they judge you can use it and you have permission its good to go - Rather than open where you can judge whats appropriate
  6. my thoughts exactly.. just posted it a second before i did
  7. depends on how good it is now mate and what kind of tune you have done to it. Basically it should; Make it more consistent (although yours seems pritty good if pellet on pellet) Have a smoother cocking action Feel less recoil Reduce some noise Sort any trigger issues out making it crisp Depending on how good/bad yours is in those areas at the minute will determine how well a tune will affect it & getting it tuned by someone who knows what they are doing will help
  8. I use this mate, its an old pellet box... cant remember what they were I got it online, didnt care bout the pellets only the box anyway. it has a little tray that the heads of the pellets fit in and a piece of foam insert, when you close the lid the tray depresses and the pellets fit nicely into their individual holes, jeeps the pellet skirts tidy and i get no rattling from the pellets either more than enough for a hft run or an outing in the field to refill i just pour in the pellets and give it a shake they all seat themselves to the back i have added a hft brackets chart a
  9. yes it is replacing the EV2 but not out yet
  10. Nice one, yeah i think the extra is the FAC one, was gonna ask you what you thought of it if it was .. Great shooting
  11. I was down there in 2011... they are more British down there than we are up here!
  12. Anyone know when this beast is going to come out?
  13. Make sure you get some good photos because ill be starting one in a few weeks so ill be able to follow your guide
  14. yep, all the things the huntsman should have been to start with, they have actually listened to what people want and improved an already very good rifle ( not sure anyone wanted a big R on the stock) but the extra shots and the titanium value are great
  15. good bag Is the F the FAC version or is that the Extra?
  16. I do like the look of both the huntsman and the new regal stock
  17. I thought they just had a normal scope ring... no click or anything.. Edit: .. after watching the review on youtube you are right it should have a click stop
  18. that looks like one mean bull! you had a lucky escape there
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