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Everything posted by kanny

  1. feinwerkbau sport perhaps I had one back in the day nice rifle could be a cracker with a bit of fine fettling. kanny
  2. here's another deer coursing vid......still makes me laugh
  3. sorry I should have put all the info in the first post .... rapid mk2 .22 cal with my old retro tasco scope on .... I don't know why but I just like it!....... V. nice selection of guns there porky .
  4. abu droppen and mepps blades were the trout killers of my youth you can still find a few abu,s on flea bay although you might pay collectors prices. kanny
  5. pax pellets are always fantastic quality im a big fan of the std defiant however the defiant og although quality made in most rifles had poor results in accuracy... it will be interesting to see how these vintage perform. kanny
  6. ive put the full post in the night vision section also ..... http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/289932-sub-l100-ir-laser-illuminator-any-recommendations/
  7. simple bread done with a Small bread punch never fails to get em in my local water.
  8. well curiosity got the better of me so I decided to give it go and as 72line per says they give a grainy image but the worse thing was the light penetration it was very poor but as said above I contacted the guy who's happy to give a full no quibble refund on the laser and postage. ... good company but this one wasn't for me. kanny
  9. as the title says....can anybody recommend a half decent ir laser illuminator for under £100.... ive tried various cheep chinky lasers over the last couple of years some ok and some not so ok .... best so far is a cheep 300mw it gives me well over 100yrds but the down side is its a very dirty kind of light and the unit looks a tad ghetto.... just to add I will be using this with a sony hd handycam setup. kanny
  10. thinking of getting one of theses to use alongside my hd handycam setup anyone had any experience with them? http://odicforce.com/shop/article_OFL219/1W-(1000mW%2C--metres-range)-Professional--Portable-Infrared-(808nm)-Nightvision-Laser-Illuminator.html?sessid=ZtiuhmNx9vBDIPYxUVb5J0fPpgIg9yNkzqMEEUMlT3CbOTVOp9OxHGdMnKYQdF9E&shop_param=cid%3D42%26aid%3DOFL219%26
  11. im looking at getting a dedicated nv setup later this summer so it will be intresting to see if these can give the pulsar a run for its money..... if I was anyone I wouldent fall for the pre order hype id wait till there fully independently reviewed ..... crack on! kanny
  12. Sounds like your in there mate
  13. the program was good i enjoyed it and clarissa is great but the recipies were abit naff imo .... could of done with being abit more modern... peoples taste buds have moved on abit from the days of mrs beeton
  14. im dead the same first i had a s200 great gun and now i have a s10 another great gun i think you should definitely try before you buy because theres alot of weight diffrence between the two... that suited me but might not you.
  15. nice going look tasty! are they the russian turtles again?
  16. a couple of pictures i taken one day in mexico
  17. kanny


    its a wonder all that lot didnt give her the trots
  18. just a young girl trying to improve her and other womens lifes.... a sad story i think. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/pakistans-top-court-orders-probe-into-barter-of-7-girls-to-settle-blood-feud/2012/10/09/e35f27e4-11e8-11e2-9a39-1f5a7f6fe945_story.html
  19. sorry i just got in from work looks like its of for today
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