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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. That's why they call them drift nets.
  2. The biggest load of fanny's i've seen the woman that found the stagnant water was a f***ing doctor for god's sake,.......hasn't she got any brains.
  3. Looks like she taken after her mum in colour, you should have some fun with her when she gets older.
  4. Good luck with her she looks a beauty.
  5. A very talented man, wish i could draw like that.
  6. I wear mine with pride, (lest we forget)
  7. I was eating mintsticks when i made the account.
  8. Some lovely pictures there mate, but you can keep the white stuff.
  9. Sorry day off today, maybe tomorrow. Cheers, . PM 'ed them to you Di Cheers, D. Got them thanks.
  10. Came across this tonight while surfing the net, found it quite interesting that where i live (Cornwall) we've only got one dog warden to cover the whole area. Why is there so many in different area's ? and do they really need that amount.? http://www.animalwardens.co.uk/lost-found-dogs-search/all-dog-warden-phone-numbers
  11. Sorry i haven't replied, been a bit busy,........yes dytkos is right, the top of St Agnes Beacon and carrick roads just up from the King Harry Ferry.
  12. With the weather being so shit lately i thought i'd put a few old picture's up of sunnier times, (forgot i had these)
  13. Glad to hear you've got him back mate.
  14. I've been using Greyhound Superstore for years now and find them very reliable on their deliveries, they even phoned me the other day when i was expecting a delivery to tell me that the courier driver hadn't turned up for work so my order would be a day late, I put in an order and it's delivered 3 days later, by the way i live down in Cornwall.
  15. Is it my eye sight or does he have bloody big hands. love the song.
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