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Everything posted by villaman

  1. Love the .22 but not the .22lr , but .22 FAC air far more versatile,
  2. You can have mine for 10k saving of £2300 ??
  3. I might have my renewal by the end of this year now . Did send it in December 2022 and been given two extension all ready and the last extension takes me up until 28th November
  4. But unfortunately two shooting’s I know of in the past few years have involved FAC holders .
  5. About time Devon and Cornwall PCC splits police gun licensing with Dorset WWW.BBC.CO.UK The unit is split up following heavy criticism over its issuing of a licence to killer Jake Davison.
  6. Gun licensing training 'to be introduced in 2024' - BBC News WWW.BBC.CO.UK The National Police Chiefs' Council firearms licensing lead says she is committed to make sure the...
  7. Need try try some more ammo . At that distance I can get bullet on bullet
  9. Just installed a new trigger spring in mine . Definitely mad it better
  10. Or is it here say or someone didn’t like him . Lot of ifs or though they haven’t charged him with anything
  11. Man has 15 guns seized after reports of illegal hunting WWW.DORSETECHO.CO.UK A man has had 15 firearms removed by police after reports of illegal hunting in west Dorset.
  12. But we all know Jimmy is a shit shot ?
  13. Same shoot rabbits from 25-60 yards with .177 and drop straight way stone dead . Definitely don’t run then drop . like I said shot placement doesn’t matter what cal
  14. You hit the rabbit in the right place with .177 , .20 , .22 or .25 with sub 12 it will be dead. Rabbits don’t run off because it’s been shot with .177 !!
  15. I wish I never sold my 110 . One day I will buy another
  16. No not at all . Just move your scope forward a bit then you should be ok . Niteshite you shoot from the hip absolutely awful things , thank god they went tits up
  17. Where are you moveing to Phil , one of those warden assistant homes for the old
  18. Nite shite don’t bother no wonder the company went tits up when pard came out with 007 , they didn’t move on with the times thinking they didn’t need to . Niteshite copied the shed builders of nv and charged a fortune for it , imo one of the worst nitghvision ever to come . Go for pard 007 v model or they have a new one out with range finder built in .
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