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Everything posted by villaman

  1. Had both 100k & 110 but sold 110 kept 100k
  2. Wife had to wake me up after reading that , sent me to sleep halfway through
  3. Jimmy , your better of throwing it at the rabbits when your out shooting
  4. I went looking for it us lot down on the south coast aren’t scared of anything
  5. I was in one of my squirrel permission, not shooting, but taking the lab for a walk . She was chasing squirrels, deer and pheasant like she normally did suddenly both of us spotted this black animal about 40 yards away ,definitely not a dog or she would’ve gone to it , but she stayed by my side with her coat up on her back and whining like I never heard her before .
  6. Well done grandad looks like the young one enjoyed
  7. Why the hell would they come out with niteshite copy , specially when pard is still the best add on
  8. Christ Jimmy , if your teaching him to shoot at the range , he will be there for the rest of his life . Lol a lot
  9. Have a look here Staffordshire Synthetic Stocks STAFFS-SYNTHETIC-STOCKS.COM Staffordshire Synthetic Stocks
  10. Definitely wouldn’t get permission with a daystate
  11. Been after this fox for a few months . Its killed 5 or so chickens on Friday night , 10 ducks shot at 85 yards with HMR
  12. Just learn to shot would be a start , even at your age you should be able to hit 225 mm target . Oh sorry for you old people 9”
  13. Looking for something for fox thought 204 would suit my needs
  14. Still waiting for my renewal to be done 6 months so far , although put all paper work in 4 months before it expired. Any way looking at another gun & thinking of 204 anyone has experience with this round or would another cal be better
  15. Well I haven’t seen my doctor for about 8 years and that was for a penis reduction . So should do mine free of charge . Saved them a fortune
  16. If target only the air stripper probably be better specially if you are not worried about db
  17. If target only the air stripper probably be better specially if you are not worried about db
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