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Everything posted by villaman

  1. Who is the best person to work on hw100.I need the anti-tanp removing and a adjustable one put in.
  2. www.xtx-air.co.uk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try this web site
  3. thanks dose he av a website or something ??
  4. Yet another top wright up .Good luck in Canada
  5. villaman


    Hi all, Has any of you seen much mixy this year. On a couple of our shoots we have shot 11 rabbits with it
  6. Has anybody used or have this scope Hawke Nite-Eye Digi-IR 3-12x50 IR SF Rifle Scope. I'm thinking about buying one for a hw100
  7. Hi Si i would like to know what camera you use no your gun. Love reading your articles. You and a few other on this site should start up a new air gun magazine
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