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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Funny if he brings home the CL this season mind you...........can't see it myself, bayern, barca/ real to get past?? Don't look too hopeful does it
  2. Funny, I remember a lot of Man U fans saying the big man was past it, had lost the plot etc etc last year..........lol lol lol Salt and pepper with those words boys ? Lol lol Welcome back to planet earth ! Lol
  3. "I used to be Manager of Manchester Unt, now I............. Lol lol
  4. Hope they give him another 5 years! This shite is funny haha Lol lol
  5. WILF

    The Hunting Act

    You can tell election time is coming.........don't be giving it drinks all round yet boys, my guess is that it will amount to precisely f**k all.
  6. Gay love suicide pact, they have to decided on one last plunge. It's can be the only reason it went offline for 8 hours.......it's a bloody odd one Anyway, I thought it was in the sea the first day so can the Malaysian government please make my cheque out to cash ! Lol
  7. So basically, they guessed !! Lol lol......I'm in the wrong job, they could easily pay me £100,000 a go to have a guess at things........I wouldn't be offended, honest ! Lol
  8. Get a grown up to read it again to you officer Lol lol
  9. What "contacts in shooting organisations" do you mean?.......if you mean BASC then personally I wouldn't trust those greedy bunch of clowns to run a bath never mind "stick up for my rights" Jmho
  10. Easy done, some folk are very easily led into "outrage"
  11. I think the original point was everyone was cracking on like it was some sort of wonder goal when it was nothing of the sort. He said post match that he has tried that about 5 times and that's the first time it has come off.
  12. What's a "true" sportsman then Matt?.......you met one?.......I have, he played snooker ! When you have always acheived a 100% clean kill, all the time every time then you may have a little room to talk but I don't believe anyone ever has so that's garbage IMHO matey
  13. Dry your eyes boys, there's f**k all in that story. Them boys have done nothing wrong. The fact that it may not be everyone's cup of tea does not make them arseholes. My personal opinion (and I am only saying its mine) is that it's just a f***ing rat, we'd think nothing of laying poison and going away to suffer a long drawn out death where it can't offend our sensibilities but safe in cage being used to switch a couple of youg dogs on is crime of the century........nah, don't think so .
  14. Lamsdorf wasn't the japs, the Germans marched allied POWs out of the camps with 20 minutes notice in the middle of January......that had on whatever they managed to scramble into as they were roused from their beds and walked with no supplies a 1000km across Eastern Europe in the depths of winter They died like flies, many of those blokes had done 5 years behind the wire as they were with the ones left behind by the BEF.......the first forgotten army. Lamsdorf was a massive camp and it really was dog eat dog.......none of this Hollywood comrade, jolly hockey sticks type stuff.......men pr
  15. Funny how it takes Hollywood to makes us remember that which we should remember anyway.......all over the news about the anniversary of this escape. They should have made a film about The Lamsdorf Death March........google it Wiped from the nations memory banks but something that should be remembered in my book, a hardship endured by our troops the likes of which is on par with any Japanese prison camp
  16. RM, fair one mate......this is possibly my all time favourite goal........60+ yd pass, perfect first touch and control, perfect finish ! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XsZkCFoqSBs
  17. Just to prove its not sour grapes.....here is what I consider a well taken goal ! Lol lol http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2fgIIqonblo
  18. Mate, I would never sicken if kicking that Russell Brand ! I look at that goal like this, if it was the striker on your team and he had the last 2 flat footed with all that space to run into and he hoofs it from there and misses you would dig him out and tell to stop panicking wouldn't you . For me, Cisses goal was a better strikers goal
  19. I've said before, I rate the bloke and when he is on form he is unplayable. It's not sour grapes from me, when you have been a hammers fan all your life you get used to getting beat, some of the lads raving about the goal on this thread don't sound like they have ever kicked a ball in anger ( I know you have played a bit Kev so I will put it down to your red tinted glasses lol ) because for me, a confident striker on form runs at the keeper there not hoofs and hopes from 50 yds
  20. I happen to agree with Gnash, there was nothing "good striker" about that.......it was a hopeful smack that happened to come off. He had turned two defenders there and had clear ground to run into in front.......he would have been clean through on goal. A good goal would have been if he had run at the keeper 1 on 1 from 50 odd yds out then scored......that would have been the mark of a top class striker. Still, they all count.
  21. I'm planning on starting with 2K and just go from there Fook 9K for one bottle... For now Thats more than i started with you,ll learn the basics as you go along....its sometimes worth keeping an eye on what the critics say....theres only 5 master tasters in England so any wine they give a good score to is going to increase value.....if you look at French wines you,ll find the 2005,s are most valuable as it was a virtually perfect crop,weather and everything............keep it under bond and there wont be no tax on it...........and i,ll be shocked if you cant make at least 15-20% profit
  22. Holy f**k Bob!!.....you have my undieing respect !!
  23. Do you not have to be steady about the covenants on some if those places mate?......that wood for sale mob retain the sporting and timber rights I think?
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