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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. I know what your saying....me and the Mrs were talking about the same thing as she has a home care company. I'd love to know the finances of the care homes as what you say is very true.....but the bloke I'm talking about certainly isn't a millionaire and always claims it's a labour of love rather than making the money you would think he does. Obviously he wouldn't tell me honestly how much he makes but reckons it's quite tight. I don't know so obviously can't defend it or argue. The Mrs biggest struggle is finding English care staff as she won't employ the others.
  2. Just been speaking to a mate of mine who owns some old peoples homes. He employs 70 odd staff. Reckons the new employers national insurance rise will cost him £30,000 a year. A cost which he must foot, pass on to clients or the council
  3. To stop far right doctors obviously
  4. I might of shared this before. Bit of evening interest for those who haven't seen it
  5. Just what I'm looking for that, I'll give you 6 and pick up tomorrow.....I'll throw in a thermal imager and 4 trail cams
  6. These people are being assisted to come here and assisted to stay on a daily basis. I've spent quite a bit of time observing court sittings and a fair percentage of all UK court procedures are for non UK nationals.....a number way out of proportion to how many are actually here. I've seen a failed asylum seeker, who exhausted all appeals in 2015 still here committing crimes, an Iraqi drug dealing rapist unable to be deported because he wouldn't be safe in Iraq (and he has the right to bring his wife and 3 kids here because it's his human right to have a family life). I've seen a mentally ill a
  7. I don't think he meant like that. It's more when so many people are happy to meekly go along with national and cultural suicide then to get by you have to almost remove your self from caring.....there's only so many thoughts and prayers you can send. Will the 9 year olds parents campaign to end mass immigration and deport foreign criminals? Yes it could be me or mine or yours tomorrow......but society is happy to go along with the pretence that all our problems are caused by 'hate', the far right and slavery. Sometimes it's easier to just say fck em.
  8. Mchull completed the internet so they had to reset it all
  9. I went on pigeon watch.....seems I have an account I didn't know I had....fck that, bunch of shooting wankers
  10. I joined fckin mumsnet and got banned in two days! Woke slags! Thank fck we are back
  11. A man totally lacking in self respect or morals
  12. I know this has been discussed quite a bit....but which electric chainsaw are people recommending? Few trees down local so could do with one in the car
  13. Ohhh FFS @scotty12 please tell me you don't think that's Elvis....I've designed my plans for world domination around your predictions (well local town domination at least). I've even picked out my outfit. FFS no you mad c**t that's not fckin elvis
  14. What's all this about Elvis?
  15. DIDO.1


    What's his current name?
  16. Fair play to him. Some people buy a house from the profits of drug dealing, some win the money on a roulette wheel. Genuinely no issue with how anyone makes their money....wish I'd bought some bit coin years ago....but I'd never have a large sum in a 'wallet' and believe it was actually worth anything more than a gamble while it's sat there
  17. Like everything else in the modern world they don't really exist. If you are switched on/lucky/brave enough to invest then get some money out and turned into something solid at the right times then fair play..... just like a snake oil salesman making a fortune.
  18. Gold , silver, ammunition, seed potatoes. Stick your tit coins up your arse.
  19. Gold is the currency of kings Silver is the currency of princes Crypto is the currency of wide boys, gamblers and computer geeks
  20. My border is fantastic at locating rats in property, she will search a room methodically from one side to the other. Used her when a rat has become trapped in somewhere. She's found them in sofas, clinging onto the folds of curtains, in tumble dryers etc. She's really impressive to watch , looks like a mini sniffer dog clearing a room. I don't often get chance to use her these days and I've not been doing much at all with her, a waste really
  21. Not seen a rabbit warren like this for a good few years
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