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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. Make a point of going seeing this nowty old bint again when she has calmed down, if the place is full of rabbits and she could sort permission its worth biting your lip for.
  2. If you put decoys on the ground then your only likly to attract any pigeons that are already within your garden. Try lofting some decoys up a tree and hide within range. Wish I had a garden like yours!
  3. Or you could use my system. Start really wide at the top with all the best intentions of keeping it that way, then as you get deeper, taper it in like a cone so you have to dangle your mate in by his feet, the bottom of the cone should be just wide enough to wedge his head and shoulders in and all loose earth falling in the sides cos iv not thrown far enough back. I cant work out why im now banned from the spade work!!!
  4. I tried this before I posted but it didnt work at the time. But iv just got back from work and she has been off and eaten, drunk etc so im just going to leave front off nest box now and let her do her own thing. We used to lock the broodys on then let them out and tether them next to water food etc as we had so many but as iv only got one now I cant see any benefit to locking her on. Its been a long time since I did any rearing with broodys. To be honest I dont know what breed she is, bit of everything, I only borrowed her to hatch these eggs. Shes sat on 8 aseel eggs, so I dont want it to
  5. DIDO.1


    flat out, not tellin you what doin or you'l all be doin it!
  6. When setting eggs under a broody iv always blocked the hen on the nest and let her off twice a day to empty, eat and drink. Iv set my broody on pot eggs on monday then swapped em for real eggs yesteray. The proplem is she hasnt eaten, had a drink or emptied whenever iv let her off, she just fights to get back on the nest. Iv now just left the front of the nest box open to allow her freedom to food and water. Have I done the right thing? Do I need to worry shes not eaten etc?
  7. My birds sleeping compartment is covered in felt and lets no light in when birds are shut in at night. I let em out at 7.30, thats plenty late enough!
  8. People are employed to promote certain web sites, they do this by gettin as many hits as possible, to get those hits they join forums then send links as personal messages. Moderators delete these people as soon as they find em, so you get a message from a deleted member.
  9. Ian hey thamks for the invite i work in a gunshop in bolton lol so i might have to take you up on the offer and thanks for the reply dident want to just start seting traps and hope for the best incase of injury to the animal and so on Target sports? Im doing a job not far from there just the other side of Belmont over the next week or so, your more than welcome to come out. I believe Mr Kirby has the shop again, I'll even sell you some better traps than him lol. Ian
  10. I tend to check everyday when moles are at their most active as I guess a blocked trap wont catch a mole, but as has been said double catches drop when doing this. Personally I cant do much over weekends especially in spring as a lot of the land I cover is on open/public access or areas of natural beauty close to urban areas so at weekends some areas are full of nosey walkers. I also cant use big markers for my traps for the above reasons so everyday checks in difficult areas are necessary to reduce lost traps. In general, rightly or wrongly I will check every other day where its possible to l
  11. Hi mate, Wales is a bit far for me to go trapping at the moment so I wont volenteer!! lol. Ask around the locol area for amole catcher or try traditional mole catchers register( think thats what the websites called) and they will put you in touch with a local one. Im not to far from you in Manchester, just the other side of Bolton, so ifyou wanted to come out with me one morning i'll show you how to set a trap (as long as you pomise to only catch Welsh ones and not set up in compitition!!!lol) Ian
  12. Be careful with the .32's I once saw a guy shoot a calf and the bullet came out at a funny angle and took his toe off! Iv also shot horses with one and had the bullet come out the neck. As has been said its all down to the police force, I know hunt terrier men who cant get one of their own but can use the hunts under the huntsmans supervision while Hampshire let me have 3, two .22's and a .32.
  13. Pics of foxes IN snares? How about I send them direct to the anti web sites!!
  14. When I first started mole catching I was useing my late farthers traps as he had been a mole catcher. Eventually I needed more traps so ordered the first I came across from a keepers supply firm. They turned out to be of the big cheese variaty!!! I spent a very frustrating week with empty and blocked traps until I heard a trap I had just set spring up. I pulled up the trap along with one vary alive mole which used its front feet to push its head free and drop back into it run and disapear. The whole load of traps went straight into the nearby pond!! My answer to the question would be yes t
  15. High hedges also give good cover for thieves, and means that nosey neighbour cant keep an eye on your property. The window cleaner might not see the funny side when you tell him to stop screaming with pain as it only stings a bit!!!
  16. Ive taken guns on a plane twice and thought it was super easy, just check with the company before hand for their rules, most companies are set up for it and its no big deal.
  17. In this economic climate I dont think I would invest my life savings in attracting British guns over. Alot of people were going to shoot driven partrige over there, maybe speak to a sporting agent to see how they have been affected. Some good coursing over there, Iv always thought that would be popular if you could advertise it over here and take groups over, especially if they could take their own dogs.
  18. Keepers security trip guns are worth their wieght in gold I think. I make and sell a fair few kennels and we are looking for a suitable cctv camera to include with each kennel. Though I dont suppose havin low quality film of some scroat nicking your dogs is much help.
  19. Iv always kept poultry and pigeons and have alway fancied keeping some proper game cocks as opposed to the modern show types that iv had in the past. It seems to me that the only game birds that are bred in this country with 'gameness' in mind are the asian types such as assels and ko shamo but to be honest they just dont float my boat. Are there any traditional Engish breeds that havnt been made into soft show birds that I could look at. The type of birds iv seen in Mexico look more to my taste. Are Old English Game just show birds now or have I any chance of finding some with a little spirit
  20. Hi mate, I would of thought that he wont start speaking more than he is doing while he is working on his own (im guessin the spanial dont make much noise). Can you find another hound to work him with?
  21. Hi all, Im from the NORTH and hunt shoot and fish at least twice a week but mainly hunt with hounds. Iv worked in hunt service and been a grouse keeper and now do pest control. DIDO
  22. Hello all, Im new butnot had time to do an introduction post yet but will do after this reply. Iv got the number of a hunting solicitor if he wants it, let me know by PM if you want the number. He hunts with various packs of hounds and works dogs himself so is clued up with hunting law. Tell him to contact his MP if he is sure there was no grounds for this action and also go into the police station and make a compliant ASAP. It wont do anygood in its self but he needs to get things down on record with as many people as possible. When the RSPCA realise they cant build a case the dogs and
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