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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. FFS don't tell Scotty
  2. Of course it won't change anything.... and we don't really want another election as there is no opposition. But it all helps create a movement against labour, who didn't really win....they were the only contenders
  3. Three quarters of a million signatures nearly
  4. Yeah I've had a few that slowly grew over months Just watch the police don't give you a pull if it's looking bad and across your vision
  5. DIDO.1

    THC vapes

    Stick to my local ale and fiddlers crisps
  6. I'd nothing.... just picked the motor up from the garage so I'd emptied it Managed to find a piece of wood and beat it to death
  7. Don't begrudge him a penny.
  8. Just chased a rat into this bait box....no dog or gun with me....set the fenn outside while I have a think. How to get the bugger out
  9. DIDO.1

    THC vapes

    Think I'll give it a miss .....I mean tell my mate it's no good for his arthritis
  10. Rodent Control on Farms | Harper Adams University WWW.HARPER-ADAMS.AC.UK
  11. If you want to use poison it might be worth you doing a one day rodent course. I've not looked at what's available for a while but I think they were only £150 or so. This would then allow you to buy larger amounts which would probably work out cheaper. You would also be able to back up anything your doing if anyone accuses you of doing anything wrong. If the council bloke is doing a rubbish job perhaps you could come up with a deal for you to top up all the boxes and knock it off your rent.
  12. Mate of mine has just moved back into his family home. The house is a farm house on the family estate, he grew up there. The estate is held in a trust of some kind so no individual owns it. His late father farmed that side of the land but now he has moved back in to the house the land being farmed by someone else in the family. The house is massive, but run down. Now bear in mind he has a full time job and owns his own house that's rented out. So this big estate house qualifies for home improvement and insulation grants because.... ...he's single, he earns just under the 35 gr
  13. DIDO.1

    THC vapes

    Actually I do think I have a bit of arthritis in my fingers
  14. DIDO.1

    THC vapes

    Yeah I've not got arthritis Im not saying I wouldn't try a puff but it's not for me. Even having more than 2 pints isn't good for my head
  15. DIDO.1

    THC vapes

    Is there an online source for these in the UK? Got a mate with bad arthritis. I used to do the pest control in a place they made CBD stuff and they did loads of THC stuff on the side but since giving up the contract I've not been back. There's loads advertised as thc but I'm guessing lots are scams?
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