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Attack Fell Terrier

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Status Updates posted by Attack Fell Terrier

  1. I've got the flu.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. "Earth!"


      Have you recovered from AIDS yet??

    3. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      Yeah I've recovered, but how many more unsuspecting men are you going to strike down with this foul curse? lol

    4. "Earth!"


      just wait and see what daddys guna do to you next!!!!

  2. Sat in the house f*****g bored skint and gasping for a pint!

  3. I had a Polish dish called Hunters Stew today, and It was very nice indeed :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. "Earth!"


      fecking knew you and yer brother wernt english...

      you seen that ginger bellend yet?

    3. j1985


      Most Polish food is good stuff, the women aint to bad either.

    4. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      Stabs, Yes Bigos mate. Nice bit of snap it is. Still not as nice as a good coddle though.

  4. Now im back on my feet i'll be Out in the morning with the pup for the first time in three months!

  5. Off too Old uncle Stan's funeral now. RIP Stan.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Attack Fell Terrier
    3. "Earth!"


      Hope the day went well pal..

      we dont mourn here, we celebrate the time we had.

    4. Attack Fell Terrier
  6. My house smells much better now TopNotch has left.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. "Earth!"


      Didnt know the faggot moved in with you. Dirty b@stard has been texting me.

      does in not feel wrong rooting his arse but knowing how close he is to you??

    3. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      You're just horrendous! lol.


      PS. Stop spying on my profile you peeping Tom.

    4. "Earth!"


      Sorry, i just like to watch you and to hear you breath. ha ha.

      Just wish that nonce would stop breathing. ha ha.

  7. Lurcher Pup had his first Bunny on the Lamp last night :-) .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. long dogs

      long dogs

      well done dog hope there more to come pal

    3. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      Cheers gents, I've had him from a 8 week old pup so it's always good to see them make a positive start.

    4. Malt


      Well done pup!

  8. Lump hammer is walking my dogs! When he gets back he's going to shovel all their shit up and disinfect the runs as well lol.

    1. pip1968


      is lump hammers proper name timmy


    2. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      Nah, Toffee Hammer lol.

    3. BOLSTER


      You ''Son of a dog'' !!

  9. I f*cking hate the warm weather

    1. "Earth!"


      you could do with sweating off a few pounds according to ginger bollox,ha ha ha.

    2. x38


      the dog in you avatar how meny diggs it had mate.........

    3. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      He's dead mate, died in 09

  10. R.I.P. Colin 2 years today.

    1. GrCh


      Didnt know the bloke but RIP.

    2. rob190364


      A friend of ours.......R.I.P colin !

  11. RedruM

    1. scothunter


      you been watching the shining lol

      ive often wondered if the owners thought of that when they named it lol

    2. welshhound2


      dont do it ginge lol

  12. Wouldn't it be great if Foxes had Pat Sharp type Mullets!



      Hahaha & was actually in there earths when checked

    2. rob190364


      and in true pat sharp style they shouted Woo Woo Woo as they were running...

  13. Off to walk the terriers.

    1. "Earth!"


      in search of the cage thief??? ha ha ha ha ha ha

  14. Bangers and mash with onion's and gravy! Top bit of snap!

  15. I think my dogs are antis! Lol

    1. steve66


      think one of mines a vegerterian lol

  16. Thinks that TopNotch is a Vagabond and Pariah!

    1. "Earth!"


      nah,hes just a bender..

  17. Top bloke, best poster on the General forum bar none!

    Keep up the good work Ningmeister!!

  18. Cleaned the kennels, walked the terriers, resting my pony ankle with a cuppa tea!

  19. I hate that prick Neil Stuke!

  20. Good bloke with some good dogs, digs like a JCB as well.

  21. I've still got me Allah Love pic on!

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