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Phil Lloyd

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Everything posted by Phil Lloyd

  1. nice one mate . nothing wrong with showing your dogs although i think some people on the hunting sites will disagree. but i think there should be shows souly for working dogs and when these shows are advertised it should be stated clearley that if you do not genuinely work your dog regulary to any given quarry do not enter. there should be no points diducted for scars knocks bumps , injurys that have healed through work in the field. so long as the animal is in good nick scars and medals should not go against them. let people who like the lurcher as a breed or who have took a lurcher from resc
  2. Hey,.come on now guys,..this is getting emotional We are hunting men,..not researchers of antiquated knowledge gleaned from even more antiquated scrolls. I've traded with the various Nomadic Tribes in the areas that such running dogs come from,...these dogs ,.Sloughis,..may well have some DNA connection to Salukis,..or whatever,..but who cares What I can tell you is that their 'temperament and usage' is of no use to me as a rabbit controller,...however,..they are really good at doing what they do on their own turf,..no doubts about that Lets appreciate the amazing diversity of TYPE that
  3. Hey Girl,.you bred Paid's mutt,..and in my humble opinion,.that dog is destined to be one of the most photographed critters in history,...so,.GOODONYA.... Do your own thing,....I always do.... Kind regards,.ONLYTHECONY............
  4. Sloughis,.. Honestly,..what is it that makes guys keep on looking for the Holy Grail Every few months some silly fecker looks through a dog book and sees a hairy womble or some other critter that takes his fancy,.and SUGGEST,..'this would make a good cross to produce a lurcher',.. Well,.I'm all for experimenting,.but,.LOOKS alone don't contribute anything to a lurcher mix... I've lived with the various Bedouin Tribes in North Africa,..I've also hunted with various nomadic folk throughout the Middle East,.and the Sloughi ( and it's hybrid cousins) are fair old critters. Big silly 'came
  5. Brill,..hey,.he's starting to look a wee bit useful,...which is nice... All the best,..roll on late August,...
  6. Well done ,.Always stand by yer pals Paid,..and the things which you believe in.... BUT,...why no picture of the mutt,..c'mon now,..don't miss out ,.its not like you..
  7. I don't really subscribe to the theory that a 'whippety' type of cur will be the 'boy for the shushis',....one of my best ever rabbit harvesters was a Deerhound hybrid,.she was at least,.27" and took several thousand rabbits,.plus 300 'various',...It's all to do with 'agility,.ability and strike',...end of story....
  8. Thought it would be shite...lets try the Sussex,...give em one last chance ....
  9. Halcyon Days eh,...and great times to look back on...All the best,..OTC...
  10. Well said Hawkeye,.. And that is how things ALWAYS used to be done,... Where did it all go wrong.... All the best to ALL crosses,...kind regards,..OTC.......
  11. Nice strong feet on that Brindle pup mate,... All the best ,...ONLYTHECONY....
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