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Everything posted by ands

  1. When there were foot + mouth restrictions foxes thrived- no one about killing cubs vixens i guess..
  2. Get a map off ebay on a cd (of the UK) copy it onto a micro sd card and insert in the slot behind the battery.
  3. Cant beat a little isolation sometimes.
  4. If only we could have shown people what they were encouraging when they wanted hunting banned- aif foxes could vote they would choose to keep hunting!!
  5. So many rifle men are ex dog boys drive you mad!
  6. Pretty sure there was a fox here today- hell of a big old rock place, best left alone!
  7. Aww don't say that lol there was lots of worse ones that year...
  8. Not always straight forward knowing whats at home in them rocks.....unless you know your dog .
  9. Plotwatcher pro is perhaps the best for daytime surveillance- it doesn't miss a trick.
  10. Enjoyed them- always something special about the old pics two crows
  11. For the basecamp option it can give you a map of the days hunting how far you and your dog has gone how fast how long they stayed still for where exactly they went etc not essential but really interesting- im about to check out this mornings hunt myself
  12. It would be handy for members if someone could post a step by step- how to downgrade astro 320 software here. The garmin base camp program encourages anyone who plugs in their 320 unit to upgrade- (don't) but it is a mistake easily made.
  13. If only youd stuck your tongue out in that last pic John! Great thread keep them coming.
  14. There used to be a few mink here but it does seem that when otters came back the mink went?
  15. ands


    Didn't he become less popular because he supported fieldsports?
  16. Check out his other songs some great ones there!!
  17. Amazing! What country i wonder?
  18. Little acorn do a 30mp one now- now if my daughter was to ever get fed up of it i'd give it some use lol.
  19. Back then 90 million dollars was a lot of money.
  20. Pity he was encouraged to breed lurchers at all- surely more money in the chicken farming game?
  21. Looks a great build to put on a decent greyhound- and well done to anyone who can get one to stand still long enough for a good pic! lol
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