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About maxwell

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Do you need any special electrical equipment to calibrate MK1 ferret finder
  2. Be careful as theres a scammer been doing the rounds on facebook offering same service. Check him out. The person posting this is a newbie.
  3. Can anyone tell me the correct name for the brass eyelets used for making rabbit snares.
  4. Does any one know where you can purchase bravecto or nexgard with out a vet presciption, or is there anything else available in tablet form apart from capstar without a prescription.
  5. Has anyone actually seen a review of the commander nv100 where it shows you some one actually shooting rats or rabbits using the add on at night, because Ive watched 3 reviews and havent actually seen anyone out hunting with it at night, one bloke is looking at cows in a field what good is that to a sub 12 airgun hunter who wants to shoot rats and rabbits
  6. When is everybody planning to start there ferreting season, me Im hoping to start beginning of october
  7. Ive got a MK1 thats never had any mods, whats your thoughts on fitting a reg
  8. When I first had ferrets there was no such thing as the jill jab or vasectomised hob, it was just left to nature
  9. JJM apart from the quick fill have you had anything else done to your rapid
  10. I was going to get some MK4 fenn traps to set for rats, but when Ive done a bit of research I can get the MK6 for 75 pence more. I know the mk4 is the recommended fen trap for rats , but is the mk 6 the better buy that would do the job for rats or will they be to big.
  11. Ken you do you have any parts for career 707 sub 12 in your bits box looking for sub 12 transfer port, shortened valve stem and sleeve that fits over stem. any help very much appreciated

    cheers les

    1. kenj


      Hi Maxwell, I see that Predator Guns have a standard brass transfer port for £12. Possibly will have the valve you are after, or could grind it down. 


      career service tools valve + stock removing tool for removing valve spring retainer without taking gun apart and to change exhaust valve . £24 Retaining ring...

      Are you converting from FAC to 12 lb? Once a rifle is registered as a firearm it cannot be officially put back to standard, although on the Career 707 it is so easy to convert either way. I bought a standard 1 mm 12 lb port for mine, which was illegal with a 5 mm hole. I went FAC with a 2.5 mm port to 28 lb with Bisley Magnums.

    2. maxwell


      Thanks for the reply, im trying to make some mods to get better shot count sub 12

    3. kenj


      Mine at 28 ftlb has about 10 shots, then drops off needing mil dot use, although I usually only go out for an hour, or two. Half a dozen rabbits take a bit of lugging back to the van.

  12. What are peoples opinions on yearly booster inoculations.
  13. How old is to old me and my mate are 64 and still at it
  14. I keep them outside in the back yard, in front of the kitchen window. Do you thinks the light coming from the kitchen good cause it to happen.
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