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Everything posted by Stavross

  1. That will be my adjustable sticks, very handy, no matter how big or small one set of sticks fits all ?
  2. As I was asked for a couple of hoppers I thought I’d pop into a few fields on my way back from the shoot today, now the lad who asked for them said they must be head shot, so the first one was a lovely 75 yard head shot, full of confidence I thought the next one would be a sure thing, not so, this one was about 50 yards and I managed to put it straight in the bib, hollowing it out so this one ( the one in the picture) is now in front of the camera as fox bait so we will see what comes of that, luckily for me I spotted another at the bottom of a hedge back no more than 55 yards away and this t
  3. Up feeding today and the birds are looking very well, I walked three of the drives that we will be shooting this coming Saturday and it was pleasing to see the amount of birds I did out on the rides, it’s a massive difference to the wash out that was the first day, one thing that was disappointing was I had a ride over to a drive at the far side of the shoot known as the valley drive expecting to see a lot of next doors birds and seen very little, this could of been the time of day and they could of been out pheasanting about in the fields, with a bit of luck we will have some more cold weath
  4. That explains the two rifles I’ve seen, it looks very nice with a bit more barrel on show
  5. I see, they do look very nice ? and that’s from someone who only ever buys plastic rifles
  6. What’s the barrel length from the end of the stock, I’ve seen one and it looked flush with the stock but I’ve seen pictures of them and it was about 6” longer, that’s the thing for me that let the tikka down with the barrel been so close to the stock, purely on a look basis
  7. Well I never managed to bag myself a buck before the end of the season, but I did give the opportunity to someone else just before dark last night he managed one, it would appear that this was a good one to take as he told me it was in poor condition, so fingers crossed I’ll get to take the first roe doe over the next couple of weeks, work, weather and all of life’s other inconvenience’s permitting
  8. Thanks mate, it would be nice to be remembered for a few good things instead of just being a miserable bugger, it makes me happy when I can find a young-un that wants to be out and not sat in front of a screen, I’ve tried and failed with my nephews to be fair I’m never happy unless I’m out in a field and there’s not many people get to see that side of me so they have good reason to think I’m always miserable ?
  9. You could be on to something there coot, I could put out a shooting self help book, with such gems of encouragement as, breath you loon, keep calm and shoot the tw*t and do you want a bottle of wine with that because you are making a right bloody meal of it, you will be first on the acknowledgement page but as a northerner it would be against my religion to share any wealth ?
  10. Cheers for that, I like them in grey, I think they will be on my list to Santa ??
  11. Oh, I like the look of them, I find my T3x very nice to shoot as standard, but I could be convinced to fit them purely for the look of the rifle, where did you get them from
  12. That’s completely right, my missus won’t eat anything I bring home, she is completely oblivious to where her food comes from, she will eat duck from Tesco but if I bring it home with it’s jacket on she won’t eat it, mental ?
  13. Haha haha, Jesus, I’m in bits after seeing that, ? what have I been doing to theses poor creatures all these years oh yeah, shooting and eating them, mmmm tastier than you vacuum packed chicken ?
  14. There might only be two mate but you still have to hit them, they will be safe with me waving a bang stick at them and a few others in the shoot ?
  15. Before my gentle words of encouragement I thought the barrel was going to melt, 8 shots in quick succession at one rabbit had me thinking I’d given him an automatic rifle
  16. He knew what he was doing, he’d been out ferreting a few times
  17. Same here, the temperature dropped very quickly, cold and dry is what I’m hoping for over the next couple of months and then snow after Christmas to finish the season off in the way I like to shoot pheasants ?
  18. I got a text from one of the young members from the shoot asking if we could go out for a bit of rabbit shooting tonight, so after weighing up my options I.e. staying in with the missus or out in the field, it was a no brainer, so I grabbed the mouse gun and off we went, now this is only the second time he has been out with the rifle and at the first fields we came to the rabbits were very jumpy in the lamp and the shots were all between 75 and 110 yards, the first 5 were all missed and a few kind words of encouragement along the lines of breath you loon, seemed to do the trick with the next t
  19. Up at the shoot this morning for a look around and a feed up, it’s looking very different from the washout that was the first day, we have had a couple of hard frosts since then and the birds are looking better for it, they were around the feeders on arrival no doubt hungry after a long cold night on the roost, By the time I’d made my way to the back of the shoot a few cocks had started to make there way out onto the frost covered fields heading towards the oak’s and the last of the acorns, with a bit of luck the weather will carry on the way it’s been over the last few days and the second day
  20. What’s wrong with these booze ? addled dead beats, given the choice between an evening of drinking or an early night so I can be out at sparrow fart to see the world as it wakes up, I know which one I would choose ?
  21. First morning out at my old new deer spot, I arrived just after first light with high hopes of grassing a late season buck, the morning looked perfect and after only 5 minutes I came across a stunning doe in the mist with the first of the sunshine making her look almost golden, after another 20 minutes or so walking towards the top of the farm I came across another much smaller animal a good 300 yards away, after getting closer this also turned out to be a doe, so no bucks seen today and maybe tomorrow will be the last day to have a look for one, even though I didn’t get one today it was still
  22. The day although wet and low numbers of shootable birds was still a very enjoyable outing, getting to see a few people that I haven’t seen since last season, arranging to go out for a few deer with one of the members, sorting out to take one of the young lads out after rabbits and general chit chat with like minded people, fingers crossed in a fortnights time we will of had some dry, cold weather to harden them off as I have a guest shooting and although we are a little farm shoot I’d still like to put on a good show for him ?
  23. Your not wrong mate, a few left at lunchtime, but for me you only get 8 days so no matter what the weather is like you should make the most of the day
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