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Everything posted by Headshot08

  1. Slipper I think our shoot is looking for beaters, great bunch and the dog will love it. Message me if you're interested
  2. Good luck with this one mate, I've been beating locally four seasons and have asked and asked. They're like hens teeth.
  3. I did message him on Facebook but I really fancied the bitch pup he had! Haven't forgotten how nice they were. Exceptionally well bred, just looking what else is around. Cheers
  4. Good morning guys, Its come to that time where I need to look at retiring my lurcher. This will be her 8th season and she has been tested in all areas. I am looking at what current or upcoming litters there areat the moment. The only problem is imI'm not entirely sure what cross I'm going to go for. I would like to see what's available and make the decision from there. I'm not fussed on price or location, I will travel the country for the right dog. Kind regards Steven
  5. I'd also be interested in a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull litter!!
  6. Can you not go out with someone that you have done all the other past times with? Wouldn't have thought it would be that difficult to secure some ferreting? Unless that is people are worried about showing you around their permission? All the best.
  7. Can you send me some pictures mate and information? Cheers
  8. Thanks The One. I will put the word out. Out of interest does anyone know how much deben charge? Haven't read very positive feedback about their customer service.
  9. Morning guys, Does anyone know anyone or anywhere I can get my MK3 box repaired other than deben? I have tried pipa on here but unfortunately he doesn't work on Mk3 Any help would be great! Steven
  10. For the record the bottle was a old one in the shed. I have made a mass of soup. I agree the puff ball is the ultimate breakfast mushroom!
  11. Morning all, Just thought i would share this puffball i picked the other day! It was by far the biggest i have ever picked and pieces fell off this! I have tried to show the scale next to an XL water bottle for ferrets/rabbits etc. Made some lovely soup from it!
  12. I have tried to contact Siphone several times now offering to take him pigeon shooting on my permission to help a fellow member out and still have no reply. Shows that when you try and help people they cant be bothered to reply. I have notice he hasnt been active for some months now. Shame really as he seemed the genuine type. Oh well. Thanks Steven
  13. Cheers for the replies guys, im thinking i should just wait it out and get a CZ there's a reason why everybody has them Cheers Steve
  14. Im interested in the 17 HMR. Can you send me some pictures? Steven
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