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Self appointed coved police

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I,m not a very going out type of guy my misses does the shopping etc but during lockdown i have done a bit of shopping and a tip run etc but I have been banned from my local tip and garden centre by s

It's all the ones that were bullied at school or never got to finger a girl until they were in their 20s - they're making the most of a little bit of power now.   They probably all go and hu

read your own posts going back ages, youve become a self opinionated know all, so its you.

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15 hours ago, Greyman said:

I,m not a very going out type of guy my misses does the shopping etc but during lockdown i have done a bit of shopping and a tip run etc but I have been banned from my local tip and garden centre by some jumped up little divvy standing out front in a high viz vest, they are rude and seem to have a very overly important opinion of there selves, I no how to stand in a que and stay 2m from the next person but I don’t require a pimply prick jumping in my space telling me we’re to stand and how to que up and walk etc I have just been to Morrison’s and it was a pleasant experience bit of a joke going in with the staff on the door and all very orderly and polite once inside, but some places it’s like they don’t want you there has anyone else noticed a rise in self appointed self important little hitlers during this period or am I really just a rude grumpy old f****r ??? 

Always been the same there mate, I got banned two years ago. Had a permit for a van, one tip a month, it was a astra van so not massive, took down 2 black bags of domestic rubbish told they weren't taking vans in that day but a shogun with trailer was rammed to the rafters and tipping. Had words with the knobhead who then banned me (vehicle reg). Went home jumped in the wife's car put 4 more bags and some crap from the shed and I was let straight in !

Should have dumped it in the caravan that's been left 100yds up the road, its been there for two weeks now and its been stuffed with rubbish that the tip are turning away ? Just don't throw it over the fence by the wind turbines or I will be having words ?    

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We got one running wales ? Initially I thought he was doing a good job but his wearing bit thin now. If he don't lift this 5 mile limit on friday he can go whistle. He needs to understand I have a new perm 20 miles away to check out  

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12 minutes ago, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Always been the same there mate, I got banned two years ago. Had a permit for a van, one tip a month, it was a astra van so not massive, took down 2 black bags of domestic rubbish told they weren't taking vans in that day but a shogun with trailer was rammed to the rafters and tipping. Had words with the knobhead who then banned me (vehicle reg). Went home jumped in the wife's car put 4 more bags and some crap from the shed and I was let straight in !

Should have dumped it in the caravan that's been left 100yds up the road, its been there for two weeks now and its been stuffed with rubbish that the tip are turning away ? Just don't throw it over the fence by the wind turbines or I will be having words ?    

They get more gear in that lay-by than the tip mate, you can judge the price of scrap metal by what’s in the lay-by, at the moment washing machines and a caravan means prices are well down  since they have refurbed the tip the staff are now wearing cameras, which seems to have elevated them to a higher state of bell end, twice as many staff all stood round watching women struggle to unload cars and behaving like a bunch of vigilantes,, believe it or not mate it’s only the cuttings from my olive tree but I couldn’t even bring myself to fly tip that ??

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Flying tipping is going up and up and understandable so cause they make it so difficult and bloody awkward to go to the tip. Need id now and if you take black bags they have to search them. Charge you for certain items like tyres which are just made to roll off down a slope some where. They should do the reverse and then fly tipping would go down. Its not a hard concept 

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12 hours ago, South hams hunter said:

So what happened for you to get banned? I've been to alot of places and had no issues with the staff; most places are self explanatory with how to que with just someone counting people in and out 

I, will be the first person to help an old dear with her shopping or pick someone up if they trip, but on the flip side I will also be the first to tell people to f**k clean off when they behave like a dick, the tip which is a couple of hundred yards from my house I was turned away from as I never had a letter with my post code on,( new rules)  so I went in anyways and started to empty my car as I pay almost 2k a year to the council in council tax for that facility,, garden centre I was told by a man with a ponytail (pet hate ) that I needed to que when I was the only person there, he made me walk to the far end of the car park then walk all the way back through a zig zag path made up of pallets just to arrive back were I was 5mins earlier only to announce there was no cash being taken and it was card only, I said you could have told me that before making me do a 10k walk at which point he went into jobsworth mode and started spouting rules and regs at me , I  gave it to him as well, there was a time when the customer was always right even when they were not, now with a high viz vest comes a state of I no what’s best and you will obey , the next phase which is happening in city’s and will arrive near you soon is they are fitting them all with cameras and it takes them to an even greater level of superior ness,  even my dustbin man is wearing a camera ffs 

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Me and my wife went to a garden centre on Monday, I think we were one of the first to arrive . They had what looked like an impenetrable maze of orange tape and bollards designed to ensure that the customers keep  at a safe distance. We both looked at the Webb of tape to see the entrance , when the over zealous worker pointed out that it was at the other end of the car park. I just picked up the bollards and me and the mrs went under the tape . The attendant , went to say something but my mrs gave her  that look that she gives me now and then and I watched her resolve crumble . Little victories like that keep me going .?

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Ive been to a few garden centres they was well organised and no problems but bollocks to shops and supermarkets i cant be doing with all that shit in normal times let alone now but a few youngsters ive run into lately seem to think they,ve moved up a notch since all this started,bless em.

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10 hours ago, terryd said:

Flying tipping is going up and up and understandable so cause they make it so difficult and bloody awkward to go to the tip. 

This was in keighley town centre outside the bank last Thursday morning


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was board last Sunday so did a click and collect on some plumbing fittings, me phone pinged to say my stuff was ready.. witch surprised me as it was 2.30 on a Sunday!

went to pick the stuff up and the place was empty bar the lad outside under a gazebo, the prick asked me which que I needed to be in!!! wtf

there was only me and him there and hes full to the brim with attitude.. after id swore at him a few times and shoved me phone in his face he reluctantly handed over me stuff. 

won't even go into what happened in the bank last time I was in.. theres no place in this world for hissy fittin shirt lifters

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I went to b&q to get some paint young lad outside explained to me how Queing system etc worked & then thanked me. When I asked him what he thanked me for He said for not having a go at him & telling him to fcuk off like most customers did!! ? Bless him. Atb

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2 hours ago, Dinosaurs said:

I went to b&q to get some paint young lad outside explained to me how Queing system etc worked & then thanked me. When I asked him what he thanked me for He said for not having a go at him & telling him to fcuk off like most customers did!! ? Bless him. Atb

As I said I went to Morrison’s and the staff were all, polite helpful and friendly even when my misses wandered the wrong way down an isle so no reason to be rude to anyone, if everyone tells him to feck off he must be doing something slightly abrasive as it’s not a normal opening line, ??

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6 minutes ago, Greyman said:

 if everyone tells him to feck off he must be doing something slightly abrasive as it’s not a normal opening line, ??

Go shopping in Swansea ??

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