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So long as neither has cheated, you can sort it out surely? Life with a young family can be hard at times.... You don't get to spend alot of 'you and her time', that can put a strain on things..... I'

Did he smile and give you a Vegemite sandwich?

The thing is blokes can't win. If you leave them then your a cnut. If they leave you it's because your a cnut. And that's how it will always be.

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15 hours ago, dave88 said:

7, 5, 3, 5 months

2 girls are the oldest and youngest with the two boys in between

I'd say between the pair of you, with the kids so young, you and your wife are up to your eyes in it..

its hard work juggling it all, I bet your wife is knackered with the young kids and a new born too.. sleepless nights, rows over feeds, nappy changes, the old "I've been at work all day, it's your job" etc..

we've all been through it mate, at one time or another, but things get easier, the kids grow older, more independent (you wish they were young again then!! Lol).. and you start getting a bit more time with each other again..

i hope it works out for you and your family mate, some things are worth grafting for..

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Just now, lurcherman 887 said:

Night feeds??? Nappy changes???? Lol

I used the old "I've been at work all day line" regulary... it didn't always go down to well!! Lol

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2 hours ago, Meece said:

What is it with some women? I knew a bloke that was akin to Phil Mitchell.  6ft 4 and full of muscle. He wasn't afraid of anything or anybody  except his mrs who was 5ft 2, quite pretty and a good sort but boy when she got goiñg she would go after him with a carving knife and mean it. She could be dangerous and God had she got some gob on her.  He had to look after her and keep her sweet to keep onside. The only way to stop her would have been to knock her out. Several times it came close to that. In the end he was very indiscreate with a mate of hers and he was found sunkin right up to the axle. His Mrs then went home rounded the 3 boys up in the car and left for her parents never to return. When I saw this other party I  thought what have you done. She was a right 2nd  rater hatchet faced party and he lost his sons.  What for?

Meece my Mrs is normally very laid back it was her dads 50 th so she has just told me  and he was very I'll at the time so she lost it I was brought up in the rough end of estate but I was always told by my old man who was a genuine hard sort  to never lift finger to a woman regardless otherwise he would kick us from one end of town to the other and he ment it and I'm 6 3 my mrs 5 3and like my old man always said better to live like a lion for a hour than the life of sheep its not being scared buddy as I ain't that sort to fear any man its respect 

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18 hours ago, NEWKID said:

I'd say between the pair of you, with the kids so young, you and your wife are up to your eyes in it..

its hard work juggling it all, I bet your wife is knackered with the young kids and a new born too.. sleepless nights, rows over feeds, nappy changes, the old "I've been at work all day, it's your job" etc..

we've all been through it mate, at one time or another, but things get easier, the kids grow older, more independent (you wish they were young again then!! Lol).. and you start getting a bit more time with each other again..

i hope it works out for you and your family mate, some things are worth grafting for..

Wise words ,me an the ball n chain argue a lot , 

but we are at the stage now where the 16 year old stepson can cope with the ankle biters for couple hours so me and her can go for a few drinks ,And that was the first time since my eldest was born so 2004?

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20 hours ago, blackmaggie said:

Meece my Mrs is normally very laid back it was her dads 50 th so she has just told me  and he was very I'll at the time so she lost it I was brought up in the rough end of estate but I was always told by my old man who was a genuine hard sort  to never lift finger to a woman regardless otherwise he would kick us from one end of town to the other and he ment it and I'm 6 3 my mrs 5 3and like my old man always said better to live like a lion for a hour than the life of sheep its not being scared buddy as I ain't that sort to fear any man its respect 

Agreed mate. It's not the done thing to hit a woman, and rightly so !

With the good lady BB, the explanation is much simpler...............she's not scared of me !

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My mrs is only 5'2 but she has a lot of weight behind her. :laugh: The fact she's a red-haired green-eyed paddy with a temper to match makes a difference too. 

Seriously though, what sort of relationship would it be if one was scared of the other?

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20 minutes ago, blackmaggie said:

Mines put a bit of timber on walshie but I will be fecked if I'm telling her :laugh: I'm like bb I know mines not scared of me but the fact she is still trying to get me life insurance does :laugh:

Mine weighed 8 stone when I first met her. Now 30 years later she weighs 8 1/2 stone. Big heffalump. :laugh: As you may be able to tell, she isn't in at the moment. 


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