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Take A Knee

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Most people don't even know their National Anthem off by heart......I know I don't. What if you get all the words right while on one knee, is that alwright? Haha.....


I'm off down the pub.....................

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Look what happened to those two who wouldn't bend the knee to khaleesi!

I'm quite a big NFL fan, I've followed it quite keenly for years, what I will say is that the man who founded the movement, Colin kapernick is absolutely shite   I'm not a fan of politics into spor

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DT, the great patriot, couldn't fight in Vietnam because he had'bone spurs on his heels'. George Bush and Bill Clinton,two other great patriots, avoided the draft as well. A case of 'on you go boys, I'm right behind you'.



He made me laugh today though. I heard him on an old Howard Stern show saying he reckoned he could have 'nailed' Princess Di. Apparently he bombarded her with flowers but she thought he was a 'creep.'

I'm sure the yanks would have elected a cartoon cut -out of Homer Simpson had he stood for president. I'm still in shock that crook and oaf has been elected. :o

P.S..I have an American friend who calls Trump the tangerine turd

Edited by jukel123
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I'd give all wogs 100k and send them back to the land we robbed them from and they bleat about, after all we've given them and still their primates! Not the same as us and no place amongst us good Christian white folks!

You must be loaded

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I am one of those who had high hopes for The Donald.....


America has had unpopular Presidents in the past - Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter spring to mind - but Trump seems determined to plumb new depths. As unpopular as Carter was, there was always respect for the fact that he held the office of President.


Trump is not only making himself more and more unpopular personally, but he is bringing the office he holds into contempt !


He is showing himself to be a charmless, witless oaf, with no strategic thinking, and little ability to foresee the consequences of his actions, but shows a tremendous talent for making a terrible situation even worse !

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I am one of those who had high hopes for The Donald.....

America has had unpopular Presidents in the past - Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter spring to mind - but Trump seems determined to plumb new depths. As unpopular as Carter was, there was always respect for the fact that he held the office of President.

Trump is not only making himself more and more unpopular personally, but he is bringing the office he holds into contempt !

He is showing himself to be a charmless, witless oaf, with no strategic thinking, and little ability to foresee the consequences of his actions, but shows a tremendous talent for making a terrible situation even worse !

Ain't that the truth!

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I'm just a tad fed up with all this black race card stuff, where ever you turn they are bleating that they have been hard done by, ffs The slave trade happened in the 17th century


Will smith & his wife where using there media interviews to moan because there were no black people in the oscar nominations last year I think it was, hints of an agenda against black actors/ actresses. It's racism in reverse.


Stevie wonder down on one knee etc etc.

Edited by MOLE265
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I'm just a tad fed up with all this black race card stuff, where ever you turn they are bleating that they have been hard done by, ffs The slave trade happened in the 17th century

Will smith & his wife where using there media interviews to moan because there were no black people in the oscar nominations last year I think it was, hints of an agenda against black actors/ actresses. It's racism in reverse.

Stevie wonder down on one knee etc etc.

It's bolloxs just the latest virtue signalling clap trap you can bet it will spread like a embarrassing rash ....bet you don't see any dart players take the knee :laugh:

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I'm just a tad fed up with all this black race card stuff, where ever you turn they are bleating that they have been hard done by, ffs The slave trade happened in the 17th century

Will smith & his wife where using there media interviews to moan because there were no black people in the oscar nominations last year I think it was, hints of an agenda against black actors/ actresses. It's racism in reverse.

Stevie wonder down on one knee etc etc.

But Trump only inflames the situation, and gives legitimacy to their pointless protests, when he call them all "sons of bitches" !


The lefties, liberals (call them what you like) will keep coming up with grievances, real and imagined, and guess what ? Trump will take the bait !

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I'm just a tad fed up with all this black race card stuff, where ever you turn they are bleating that they have been hard done by, ffs The slave trade happened in the 17th century

Will smith & his wife where using there media interviews to moan because there were no black people in the oscar nominations last year I think it was, hints of an agenda against black actors/ actresses. It's racism in reverse.

Stevie wonder down on one knee etc etc.

It's bolloxs just the latest virtue signalling clap trap you can bet it will spread like a embarrassing rash ....bet you don't see any dart players take the knee :laugh:

they be looting on one knee next lol
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Millionaire cry babies screaming about injustice brought on them by the country that made them rich beyond average Joe wildest dreams.They all need a good slap and so do all those rich actors antifa supporting a$$ holes in hollywood.I remember as a little kid being taught to stand when I heard our anthem or get a back hander off my grandad haha bless him.

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I'm just a tad fed up with all this black race card stuff, where ever you turn they are bleating that they have been hard done by, ffs The slave trade happened in the 17th century

Will smith & his wife where using there media interviews to moan because there were no black people in the oscar nominations last year I think it was, hints of an agenda against black actors/ actresses. It's racism in reverse.

Stevie wonder down on one knee etc etc.

It's bolloxs just the latest virtue signalling clap trap you can bet it will spread like a embarrassing rash ....bet you don't see any dart players take the knee :laugh:
they be looting on one knee next lol
:laugh: black lives on one knee matter ....more! :laugh:


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