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Child Grooming Gang In Newcastle 18 Convicted.

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I think the white girl is a procurer of young kids for the gang,string her up.



I knew pakis liked to marry their cousins,but i've never see a line up of such weird looking mutants.


i'm convinced this happens to tearaway kids and broken families with alky parents etc 99% of the time,the public won't react viscerally until it's happening to normal people,it's not part of reality for most of us.


And as their numbers increase that's inevitable.

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If you turn the tables white gangs raping Pakistani young girls there would be riot's like this country had never seen, we obviously don't really care has much.

The informant in question was paid £10,000 to act as an undercover informant, money well spent? For them convictions yes, should a previous convicted child molester be rewarded not a chance, he should

Has the English man completely given up? This place is far from perfect and we've had the pedo priests and the troubles but it feels like we're leaving the dark ages behind. But I have to say from the

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There's a bit of outrage that Plod used a convicted sex offender, Mr XY, as a tax payer paid undercover intelligence source.


As on the other threads about paedo's, my take is that if it gets results then I can stomach it. The safety of children comes before my own hatred of paedo's.


The informant in question was paid £10,000 to act as an undercover informant, money well spent? For them convictions yes, should a previous convicted child molester be rewarded not a chance, he should have been told "you're lucky to still be alive, so you're going under cover or under the ground your choice".

That's just fantasy though mate. That wont happen in a liberal democracy. I'm just accepting that and accepting that sometimes rewarding evil men to punish a lot more evil men is a net positive.

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I think the white girl is a procurer of young kids for the gang,string her up.



I knew pakis liked to marry their cousins,but i've never see a line up of such weird looking mutants.


i'm convinced this happens to tearaway kids and broken families with alky parents etc 99% of the time,the public won't react viscerally until it's happening to normal people,it's not part of reality for most of us.


And as their numbers increase that's inevitable.



this post is spot on.

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Lets be really honest here no white british males give enough of a fcuk to do anything about it, not even their own fathers brothers uncles...no fcuker, what a sad sorry state this country has become when we sit back and allow the systematic rape and torture of our children by these 3rd world animals

What about the Justice for Chelsey campaign then ? Her brother was remanded just for going round the house were the incident took place. Dirty scum never even got charged over that gang rape,Northumbria Police are more concerned with looking after the perpetrators than the victims. People are not sitting back and they all give a fcuk to do something about it but they are all warned of the consequences of any retaliation. The people are not a sorry state it's them who govern over us.

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The court heard that in April 2014, Badrul Hussain – who was found guilty of providing premises for drug supply – was caught traveling on public transport without a ticket.

The female ticket inspector claimed that he shouted at her: “All white women are only good for one thing. For men like me to f**k and use like trash. That’s all women like you are worth.”



Just about sums it up,short rope long drop,only solution otherwise its like a recurrent problem,its not going to end.

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There's a bit of outrage that Plod used a convicted sex offender, Mr XY, as a tax payer paid undercover intelligence source.


As on the other threads about paedo's, my take is that if it gets results then I can stomach it. The safety of children comes before my own hatred of paedo's.


The informant in question was paid £10,000 to act as an undercover informant, money well spent? For them convictions yes, should a previous convicted child molester be rewarded not a chance, he should have been told "you're lucky to still be alive, so you're going under cover or under the ground your choice".
That's just fantasy though mate. That wont happen in a liberal democracy. I'm just accepting that and accepting that sometimes rewarding evil men to punish a lot more evil men is a net positive.
Not if it's your child they are molesting while they are waiting to gather intel. Was the informant free to molest kids at these parties in the meantime considering he would of been socialising in these circles regularly?
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