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What Do We Expect Of Our Dogs.

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Do we expect to much of our dogs, are we taken in be social media and what we are lead to believe from the hundreds of books that are written. My dog is ok he puts a shift in but not even close to what I read about Is it bollocks or just poetic license?

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Those dogs in the books in reality are no different too most dogs we own ourselves it's just somebody has taken the time too photograph and write about them, look back at the last time your dog gave i

It's a bit like life in general if somebody feels the need to big things ups, whether it be a dog or anything else, then generally speaking they are lacking something in my experience. I put this down

It would be nice to see an epic lurcher fail now and again, My Lurcher certainly has some traits I like but some days theirs an alternative meaning ie,   Solid build = Doesn't like to go toilet in

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I joined a group on FB and somethings on there are unbelievable.

I'm on a couple closed groups on fb and they are genuine dog men that use to be on here it's the patter that gets me all the stupid sayings 4 paragraphs for catching a rabbit ffs do or die lol most lurchers are like that try there best and the list goes on and on and on lol
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May be people read all the internet cobblers and smoke blowing books because they have no real life experiences to draw on themselves , Yes people have to learn from some where ,that should be out on the land with a tried and trusted mentor it saves all the hard self taught knocks that usually end up f***ing good dogs up.

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Those dogs in the books in reality are no different too most dogs we own ourselves it's just somebody has taken the time too photograph and write about them, look back at the last time your dog gave its all and caught it's quarry in great style, replay it in your head and bingo, don't get me wrong odd dogs of all disciplines will go above and beyond and become legends we all aspire too own, be happy with what you chose and strive too make the very best of it, other peoples dogs won't worry you so much then

Edited by arcticgun
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any man that bums an blows about his dog/dogs 9 times out of 10 is talking pure sh#t av no time for lads like that. I had at least 10 different people tell me how good their dog is then you go an see it and i shake my head . but to me if the dog suits you does what you want it to do an the end of the day you're feeding it not others so does it realy matter what others think took me along time to work that out if it pleases me i am happy but the day you bum an blow is the day you set your self up for a fall

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i just expect them to give there all and that's about it really aslong as they've got plenty of heart an don't back down im not over bothered I don't expect them to catch everything they run and I'm sure there people that think mine are shit but I'm the clown that feeds them and work them so I'm not really arsed what anyone else thinks ! But I do like watching others people's dog work there's one bitch in particular i do really enjoy going out with she's best Iv seen by country mile

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any man that bums an blows about his dog/dogs 9 times out of 10 is talking pure sh#t av no time for lads like that. I had at least 10 different people tell me how good their dog is then you go an see it and i shake my head . but to me if the dog suits you does what you want it to do an the end of the day you're feeding it not others so does it realy matter what others think took me along time to work that out if it pleases me i am happy but the day you bum an blow is the day you set your self up for a fall

very true mate 100%
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It's a bit like life in general if somebody feels the need to big things ups, whether it be a dog or anything else, then generally speaking they are lacking something in my experience. I put this down to the fact those best at most things are generally those that spend time doing whatever IT may be, rather than trying to convince others how good they or their dogs are at IT. We also seem to be living in a world where alot of people need to have a pat on the back for anything they achieve, rather than gaining intrinsic value from achieving and effort jmo

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