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When Are You All Starting To Get Your Dogs Fit Again For The Season And What Methods Do You Use

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The repetitive impacts of trotting increases the circulation of the fluid in the joint which allows it to pick up more oxygen and nutrients, these are then pumped into the spongy joint cartilage via t

I don't let mine get fat an hour a day mooching geeps them ticking over so I dont have to do to much with them

Dogs are fit all year round

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As has been said I am not one for letting the dogs get unfit during the summer for no other reason really than I can't do without getting out for a few hours a day with them and this keeps them ticking over. Never really understood the whole jogging or biking dogs miles on end tbh as it's not really specific to how most running dogs work in the field. Yes it may build cv fitness levels up but so will more specific work related to what they do in the field jmo atb

The repetitive impacts of trotting increases the circulation of the fluid in the joint which allows it to pick up more oxygen and nutrients, these are then pumped into the spongy joint cartilage via the pumping action of the joint itself which results in healthy tissue. At the same time joint repair genes are activated to rebuild damaged cartilage. Tendons and their attachments increase in size giving improving structural strength and reducing potential for injury. As trotting shouldnt be creating major impacts or twists and turns the risk of injury is minimal, so lots of positives, minimal negatives to give a good basic exercise.
Agree with everything you have stated, but a simple decent walk will achieve the same with the additional benefits of anaerobic gains which will be minimal with a continuous trot. For a dog that is retuning from a long break ie injury I see the real benefits but for a dog which is out regularly ie daily for some exercise as all should be, if for nothing else than socialising and freedom, then I think an hour of biking/ trotting could be far more productive if specific and results far better if improvement in fitness is the overall goal. The risk of injury is an interesting thought and I get your point but if you look at the evidence (for humans) then repetitive type exercise (even low intensity) is nowadays considered far more likely to lead to injury than more specific varied and often higher intensity exercise. Even top endurance athletes nowadays train much smarter and ltd repetitive type training to a minimum based on the research and I would personally compare running dogs to more anaerobic sprint type athletes (muscle tissue in dogs and humans is practically identical at molecular level) and top speed and power athletes do practically zero aerobic type work as they know they can et far better fitness gains from more specific work related to their discipline jm experience atb Edited by matt1979
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Won't be long now jack,start giving em a good walk in the next month or so getting em fit and ready come end of September and start getting the pups out when corns cut showing em bits and pieces on the lamp

Yer Jess asoon as theirs enough cut I will be getting out having a few runs theirs a few hay fields cut hear and their i see to day but want enough to be cut to make it worth going so another month or so start going out once or twice a week get her ready for the main season
yes mate an want it to have abit more rain really soften the old ground up or you'll just end up smashing the dogs feet then your out for most of the season trying to heal em??
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I don't start trotting them until four weeks before I want to too start run them, usually wait until september as the grounds usually still baked and its still to warm before then, usually been minimal rain too, mind they always out twice a day in the morning and late evening, there's five of them so thy keep each other fit hunting and chasing about as we out walking,

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which pasties?

Cornish obviously ... you've got to have a good balance of meat and veg ......
surely that gives them heartburn,they kill me unless you use rennies as a mineral supplement for the complete diet.?
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