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Meat in freezers,dogs in kennels, lamps on shelves! Where the f**k are we going lads, how much more of this anti crap are we supposed to take and why isn't anything being said or done by the so called

Awl and alike should adress this and act upon it , part of the reson I have allways walked my own path, joining clubs and organisations ain't my thing, one of the resons being that they talk the talk

Just winds me up that the mindless majority think that people who work dogs (lurchers mainly) are always up to no good. When most of the time they are the fittest dogs you will ever see! But the RSPCA

It can't be a hunter imho it has to be presented properly , guy Martin Ben fogle bear grylls


We also need people who are irreproachable , no hidden gbh charges or secret transvwstite fetishes


The media will be on that like a rash

What about Phil Lloyd lamping/ferreting and commentating, and Cushty Jook having a traditional hawthorn hedgerow dump ?
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People won't like this but I truly believe we need to f**k everyone else off and focus on lurchers if we wish to regain former glories


Hunts would except,licensing to continue unabated without a thought to us ,


How many lurcher men have caught hares or foxes with shot limbs ?


Show that in our sport, it's dead or alive, no slinking off injured to die lingering deaths. Orshow the benefit of relocation via digging and removal


Hare shoots, etc are our nadir , we need to show running dogs in a positive light against other control options

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We could with a full blown series, the terrierman, the huntsman, the rabbit man the mole man etc all putting in show the way it's done without hiding anything & get the fishing lads involved because in the background they be next on the list, invite a couple celebrity antis on & try & let the jo public see the real way the methods work. But in the meantime keep on hunting & get the kids involved as much as you can &bollox to the feckers atb Flacko

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I'd say the majority of hunters do hunt for "fun" and it'd be dishonest to try and deny that aspect of it. If it was all about efficiently putting meat on the table and eradicating pests there's better ways to do it than with dogs.

Which better way dave, you sound like judy h, actually dont even answer lol

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We could with a full blown series, the terrierman, the huntsman, the rabbit man the mole man etc all putting in show the way it's done without hiding anything & get the fishing lads involved because in the background they be next on the list, invite a couple celebrity antis on & try & let the jo public see the real way the methods work. But in the meantime keep on hunting & get the kids involved as much as you can &bollox to the feckers atb Flacko


Fishermen can go f**k themselves , it was a fisherman who started the ball rolling for the ban and I saw dozens of them standing b rivers on the way to protest marches

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We could with a full blown series, the terrierman, the huntsman, the rabbit man the mole man etc all putting in show the way it's done without hiding anything & get the fishing lads involved because in the background they be next on the list, invite a couple celebrity antis on & try & let the jo public see the real way the methods work. But in the meantime keep on hunting & get the kids involved as much as you can &bollox to the feckers atb Flacko

Now those would be a television series worth watching but they would be watered down so none of the townies stuck in a flat whos only breath of fresh air is emerdale farm gets upset and sees stuff killed who think all food is like the prepacked stuff from asda , tesco when they get there on line delivery

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