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When Do I Get The Freedom Feeling?

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So we decided to exit the EU. Or at least much of England did. I note that the Leave campaigners have dropped their promise to spend £350 million a week on the NHS. They are also saying they won't put a cap on EU migrants. 'It was never about immigration' they say. Boris has been sacked for lying twice. Iain Duncam Smith , Boris Johnston and Michael Gove have all stated the NHS should be privatised. So we are all going to be poorer, the NHs will continue to be underfunded and possibly privatised ( the french and germans spend about 12% of GDP on healthcare-we are projected to spend around 8%) immigration will continue as before. So we've all been shafted, but at least we are 'free'. When do I get that freedom feeling? Anytime soon?

Edited by jukel123
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My neighbours ask me that all the time

The Freedom of Movement argument is just pro-EU people posturing. Junckers and Tusk are fortunate in that they don't have to face an electorate. The French, German, Spanish and Italian leaders do and

My neighbours ask me when I was leaving yesterday....haha

It's still early days yet and we haven't even started negotiations but I hear you... I really don't think that the UK public are going swallow " we can't do anything about free movement " or at least I hope not. Being from the east Midlands the migration problem is one if not main priorities I can't see how they can ignore it. I think it still hasn't sunken in with the politicians yet that this isn't about economy it's about democracy sovereignty and liberty for most people.

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The Leave campaign were in no position to make promises and as a result did not. They were essentially a pressure group fighting for opportunity. There was not manifesto and so no promises. They did not represent the government so how could they make promises?


The Leave campaign ARE NOT the Government, so what does it matter what their politics are? If you don't want them governing you then exercise your democratic right!

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Freedom =/= high taxes and a large government.

No matter what the upside.


We're not even free of the EU yet,there's a long way to go,the momentum has shifted away from globalism and internationalism,but you can't expect it to all change overnight.

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Have you tried punching a Pole? :hmm:

No BGD, I have no issue with immigration. It's lying tories that give me the hump.

No seriously I think a lot of folk are starting to feel the same as you pal and if the Tories do what I think they're planning either not leaving at all or giving so much away in negotiations that we're still in the EU in all but name then there's going to be real anger and I'd worry about what could happen as a result.


You tell a big chunk of the population that the ballotbox doesn't work and they start looking at different ways to get their point across...

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Either way it's positive.....either we do control immigration or if they shafts us than anger and momentum will continue to build for real change....a rocky Road ahead but hopefully we are slowly changing direction......that change can only really come from the voting public not the same incompetent traitors that were in power before the vote and are still in power now

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i dont get why people keep saying leave promised xyz, the people who ran leave dont yet have the authority to do anthing

Its just all part of the game....like that clueless bitch asking Farage about spending the money on the NHS


The bus picture they keep pulling out doesn't say they are going to spend the money on the NHS


The leave campaign said if we leave its up to us here in the UK where those hundreds of millions could be spent and its upto us how many migrants are allowed in



But as usual things get twisted

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David Lammy mp for tottenham said this vote was only an "advisory" vote and is going to campaign for another referendum because 2/3's of his constituants voted to remain in the EU,he said the referendum was mob rule,i think his family uoriginated from west africa so he obviously cant quite grasp the concept of a democracy.

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i dont get why people keep saying leave promised xyz, the people who ran leave dont yet have the authority to do anthing

Its just all part of the game....like that clueless bitch asking Farage about spending the money on the NHS


The bus picture they keep pulling out doesn't say they are going to spend the money on the NHS


The leave campaign said if we leave its up to us here in the UK where those hundreds of millions could be spent and its upto us how many migrants are allowed in



But as usual things get twisted

Well that's exactly how I interpreted what Farage and co were saying. The 350m would be spent on a variety of stuff in the Uk. I didn't hear once that it would 'all' be spent on the NHS. Nor would I want it too.

As for going back on certain aspects of things. The main issue was immigration, and if they do not 100% set up some form of policy that dictates who and when people can come here then I hope the backlash is in proportions we have never seen people. Because there is telling a few white lies to benefit your cause in government and then there is blatant lies that cannot be excused. Certainly not when the British people have voted in huge numbers to have there say.

So they better get there f***ing fingers out!!!

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