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Omg What Was They Thinking

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Are they English ,,,look foreign to me judging by the hat and dog,,,,I could be wrong of course

Even on a hunting site the outrage bus is being fired up over this legal and humane pest control. I particularly like the outrage in the original photo that the Cubs were killed. What did the anti e

if no one ever put a hunting pic up again on here or on Facebook it wiuldbt make no difference to the anti , they'll only use pics from a country where hunting is legal . don't get me wrong I don't

Yeah they look foreign, but some poor english fool will get sucked in to believing, that's what the fella & his son with the gun down the road do coz they hunt. (What ever)

Those antis know exactly how to get to people they are a dab hand at it, specially now resorting to foreign photos.

If there not foreign I will eat the middle ones foreign hat ha ha

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if no one ever put a hunting pic up again on here or on Facebook it wiuldbt make no difference to the anti , they'll only use pics from a country where hunting is legal .

don't get me wrong I don't like the killing of Cubs or even people taking pics of it but at the end of the day it's a part of the job . Nah I don't find it repulsive sorry to those that do , would folk feel any different or repulsed if it was a mother rat and a nest of little rats ?

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Czech Republic


A spokesman from the Czech Hunting Association said: "The red fox isn’t a protected species. But I agree it isn’t very humane to put pictures of hunted animals on social networks.”


The photo was posted by the hunters on to a blog called “Hunters Must Be Crazy,” but didn’t go viral until after British-based charity One World Wildlife shared it online, with viewers calling the hunters “evil” and “cruel.”

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I agree with a few of the comments above while we accept these things have to be done and we dont have a problem with it theres some things you really dont need to make a song and dance about......what possible reason is there to take a picture like that i dont understand it !

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Why people take pics of anything theyve killed is largely beyond me, its not like fishing were its usually going back alive and usually in a nice setting.Maybe a quick pic of a nice bag of rabbits for personal posterity but thats about it. Id rather see a pic of quarry doing its thing alive or whatever nice snap its become after. Otherwise with foxes and such just bury it and be happy with your memories.

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if no one ever put a hunting pic up again on here or on Facebook it wiuldbt make no difference to the anti , they'll only use pics from a country where hunting is legal .

don't get me wrong I don't like the killing of Cubs or even people taking pics of it but at the end of the day it's a part of the job . Nah I don't find it repulsive sorry to those that do , would folk feel any different or repulsed if it was a mother rat and a nest of little rats ?

Even on a hunting site the outrage bus is being fired up over this legal and humane pest control. I particularly like the outrage in the original photo that the Cubs were killed. What did the anti expect the guys to do? Kill the vixen and then let the Cubs starve or take them away to be bottle fed?


People are losing their minds over photos of this. And let's not forget the international outrage and policy changes that were the result of the legal hunt of 'Cecil' the lion. Yet in most of the 'developed' world it is perfectly legal (and increasingly sociably acceptable) for a woman to murder her healthy unborn child, conceived as a result of consensual sex, purely because she can't be f****d to raise it. And people line up round the block to defend this behaviour as 'a woman's choice'.


What a crazy topsy turvey world we live in...

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