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Want To Be A Copper In London, Forget It If You Are English

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Werent there a time when they were open about prefering to recruit black officers? Suppose speaking another language in london makes sense. The politicans are more to blame for it getting that way than the police. With all the cuts by the tories people seem to moan about wont most of the non english be getting shipped out anyway as their benefits wont cover the rent any more?

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I don't see a problem with it


Why do you need a second language in the Shithole


They ni longer need to speak English

true :laugh: hope there got none of them 14 country's on this new planet they found, because ive put me name down for a one way ticket :thumbs: I be gone in 18 months time with me dog Buck, :D get away from the shit hole we live in now .!!

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Where im not a huge fan of london because of the amount of wanna bes i do love it at the same time. Its just the idiot kids with silly street names and stuff that lets it down for me. I sort of think its like anywhere if you grow up there and its all you know youll get on with it. Its only my love of dogs thatll ever make me want to live out in the sticks to be honest. At times london is lovely believe it or not lol honestly its not all bad.


As for going abroad, my aunts just anounced shes coming back for a month as her husband is the best man at a wedding. Never gone out n visted them but their always banging on at me to come over on a sponsored visa and work for them. Thing is though i dont mind it here lol. Be different mind you if i had the money to buy my own house out there and stuff id probably go then.

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Werent there a time when they were open about prefering to recruit black officers? Suppose speaking another language in london makes sense. The politicans are more to blame for it getting that way than the police. With all the cuts by the tories people seem to moan about wont most of the non english be getting shipped out anyway as their benefits wont cover the rent any more?

You cant keep blaming the tories ,its the last lot of s*** we had in power for 10 years !!

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Werent there a time when they were open about prefering to recruit black officers? Suppose speaking another language in london makes sense. The politicans are more to blame for it getting that way than the police. With all the cuts by the tories people seem to moan about wont most of the non english be getting shipped out anyway as their benefits wont cover the rent any more?


You cant keep blaming the tories ,its the last lot of s*** we had in power for 10 years !!

Recruitment policy would have to be signed off by the Home Secretary - a Tory for the last 5 years or so.......

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Chaps, chaps.......when are we finally going to realise that Tory/Labour/Lib Dem/SNP etc exist in name only........there is absolutely no difference between ANY of them......at all !!


What we have is career politicians who will ware whatever badge they think offers them the best chance of a place at the trough ;)

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according to a few of the ex cops ive spoken to around Suffolk, the met are generally a dirty bunch (not saying all! just what ive been told) and that when the miners strikes etc. were on in the 80's, the met wouldn't go.... so the guys from our way had to head up north!!!

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It won't end until we destroy ourselves internally. Positive discrimination can only produce disastorious. To exclude white English which lets face it is what this is doing is disgusting.


True story : I once knew a copper 1st hand who was working with an ethnic officer. They pulled over a guy in a car who had no insurance, the guy I was speaking to was the senior officer and instructed his colleague to write the guy in the car up and give him a ticket. The officer refused and said he couldn't as he was one of the elders of his community, he was a good man and they should just warn him and let him go, so the lad I was talking to issued a ticket and did the driver. It was reported back at the station that this ethnic officer refused to issue a ticket and nothing was done about it.


Now when we have a culture dictating a servant of the Queen who presumably swore an oath to serve this country gives preference to culture over responsibility we have a problem.

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