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Lokking A Fox Only Bolting Terrier

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and if it wont bend it may snap. a good bolter or terrier that can be called of is the most usefull sort of terrier there is. if you have pest control in mind. you can have ten foxes bolted by the tim

I had this dog off milliken for a friend. The dog was described as a dog to use to bolt with but wouldn't stay long enough to have a long dig to. His description of the dog was spot on. I had the dog

For all you hard men and your dogs. This goes for any dog not just terriers. When you "test" your dog when does it prove it's self? FFS It's like a computer game, as if it completes the next level, it

who said anything about breeding of them lads,there very handy for places you cant dig,dont tell me you aint got places you cant dig,ive had terriers now for over 20 years and dug with plenty a good terrier men over those years and id have 1 tomo especially for those place you want in and out,my opinion only

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Can't speak for every type of "bolter"but from what I've seen they are born of the type that rush in tarry a bit and bay then retreat when foxy wants to bring the fight to him .Over time the terrier stops tarrying and flying in and results to baying a good way off and avoiding the sharp end , letting charlie have the freedom of his domain to bolt at will coming out often to praise from owner .Personally I hate cowardise in any form of life therefore to me these have no place in my world .I agree they have a place especially in hunt service but its not what I personally would look to keep and never to breed from .

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if that spanner bends to the will of a fox its no good to anyone

Edited to say there are enough bolts with a good un without feeding a jacker.

By a good un I guess you mean a good digging dog?, afraid to say "if" you've a good digging dog, bolts are few & far between.

You lot are so narrow minded its laughable, cowardice this, jacket that, lol


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and if it wont bend it may snap. a good bolter or terrier that can be called of is the most usefull sort of terrier there is. if you have pest control in mind. you can have ten foxes bolted by the time you have dug one. :yes: many places for one reason or another are either very difficult or impossible to dig. if the fox wont bolt you call out the terrier and stand back down wind still and quiet and nine times out of ten you will have you fox.


dogs like this take little damage so not only can they be used multiple times a day they can be used week in and week out in this manner rarely being laid up. should they be bred off. that to me would be personal choice. would i have another. TO FECKIN RIGHT I WOULD.


folk saying they would not own them is fair comment. but to cull animals of such value in the field is a nonsense


this sort of terrier is the only animal that can clear out an area of foxes as efficiently as a gun used right at the right time of year. this of course is only my opinion. :D


as an afterthought this terrier can also be used bushing/ ferretting/ and shooting. in many cases.

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Which is why we will never agree on anything mate .I can shoot more foxes in a winter with the rifle than you can ever bolt but choose not to ,why because to me a terrier is more than a second rate bushing tool .Its good to have discussion but not to value failure in my eyes .This will rage on ,has been done to death so ill comment no more.

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