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Feed Or Not Feed

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Whatever fella ... You are the man .. You know everything there is so you crack on ... I'm off out to give my full overweight dogs a few runs .......

I do know more than most when it comes to nature and predators ect,there would be something wrong if not.

When it comes to hunting though the more you know the more you relies you don't know,Unfortunately with the topdog lads if they dont do it or there friends dont do it its wrong.What makes them top dog lads they've caught a few rabbits and have the pictures lol

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What a load of pish..for the sake of 30 bob id rather put my buddy a pan of scran down..work em hard and treat em like heroes not starve em once a week because of some old wives tale!!

This ole Lurcher World seems to get ever more complicated,..

A dog digests its meal in 8 hours so if your lamping at 10 then why not feed at 2pm ... You will have a dog that's fully fuelled for a hard or easy night whichever it turns out to be ... Its common se

I always feed before and after lamping..


I would not be concerned, dropping dogs scran once a week.. (I don't to it religiously)


Mind I would not take them out grafting..


Its ment to be detoxifying.. Plenty research that promotes this in humanes..


What does Sandy Reckon ???


To be fair I like a dog with a bit of meat on them, they fast run it off..


Had trouble in the past holding weight..


Switched to meat animal fats and its been perfect..

:thumbs: Most lads say my dogs are over weight as far as im concerened a fit dog can carry a little fat.

If you have a dog so fit it aint carrying a once of fat ,or worse it aint even fit just halfed starved to look fit,its going to struggle on a decent night,or cold weather ect.

Just back from a quick outing with a pup met 3 rabbits that were stupid enough to be out in driving rain,still a bit more experience for her, loose her out of car she starts doing laps of the garden,hardly starving me thinks. :victory:

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A working dog, needs a proper diet, fed daily.


I can't see any benefits in starving a dog for 24 hours, at any time,(unless his got the s###s) but especially when it's working.


If you want your dogs to perform at it's best,4/5 hours every other night, without losing condition, they need red meat with 20% fat content, + all the extras.



Happy Hunting.

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Feeding every 24 hours is daily isnt it :icon_redface: apperantly that aint enough though.

But seriously are all the fox hound packs doing somthing wrong so how can they cover what 50 mile in a day having not eaten the day before,twice a week.

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Did you miss a zero there fella ? 3 ?? This hunting life canny come out with that kind a shit lol.


I don't think missing meals do any harm.


Each to there own ain't it.


When dogs are full swing I shovel it down there necks.

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Did you miss a zero there fella ? 3 ?? This hunting life canny come out with that kind a shit lol.


I don't think missing meals do any harm.


Each to there own ain't it.


When dogs are full swing I shovel it down there necks.


Same here ,

wouldnt mind lol only came on to say why it was done :laugh: Even said i dont do it myself :toast: Good crack though :angel:

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I can't understand what people don't get ... Dogs digest a full meal in 8 hours ... So if you feed a dog at 5 in the evening by one in the morning that meal is digested and gone and the dog waits 17 for his next fill ... If you starve off for a day the dog waits 41 hours for its next feed ......

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That's if you feed BARF Socks, and most lads don't.

I do now and feed every day but when I used to feed a complete meal I used to feed 6 out of 7 because A. it was the way I was taught and B. because when fed complete I believe they needed it. Complete food is that bad I do believe a dog needs the chance to get every ounce of it out of their body.

I often weighted my dogs too when given a day off and from 24 to 48 hours they don't loose an ounce.

Also it used to baffle me how a full pack of foxhounds could work so well and keep their condition while hunting 2 days a week (hard, proper hunting) on a 100% beef diet and fed only a few days a week.

I now feed 7 days a week and feed BARF and how much and when to feed is IMO one of the secrets to stockmanship, a word that used to be common and is rarely used nowadays.

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Just like yo point out here, dogs, are not wolves (yes they bred down from the wolves but not same), wolves are a wild animal. Dogs have evolved to eat different then wolves.

Just thought i would point that out, as someone compared wolves to dogs.

Wolves don't lamp all night or work all day none stop.

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You lads talk like a wolf gets peckish pops out and catches hes tea,In good times they might other times they spend days pushing heards waiting for weak to drop behind covering Massive distances.

As for barf as ive already said the way i understand it,any stomach digesting meat and bone is working hard,in wild animals wouldnt be eating every day (shock) so stomach gets a rest.

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This is one of those very simple but complicated areas. In simple terms if you put enough petrol in your tank to last a day then you need to fill it up every day! In truth of course dogs carry reserve energy so can go without food for a day but it does mean they drain their fuel reserves, especially glucose. If you then push a dog with low reserves then they may not be able to replenish them fast enough. They don’t carry massive glucose stocks, although when worked they do carry more than non workers, so when not fed they have to turn fat into glucose, this takes time and energy so if subjected to repeated sprints that are fuelled by glucose they burn the diminished supplies until they get into trouble as they can’t convert the fat into glucose fast enough. That simple.


Starving for 24 hours is not long enough to do much more than reduce energy storage so the idea of detoxifying is not a consideration. But for the more complicated bit, starving for 72 hours causes the body to start to scavenge old cells as energy sources, things like worn out white cells, are broken down for this purpose. This means that immunity may be compromised during this phase. When the body is fed after the 72 hours it replaces all the scavenged cells thereby producing lots of new white cells etc. White cells are a central pillar of defence so having a regenerated defence system may have a beneficial effect on immunity.


So starving for 72 hours now and again may have pros and cons but for 24 hours likely just cons. If a dog was starved for 72 hours it would need at least 72 hours prior to working after feeding again and one starved for 24 hours would need 24 hours from feeding before working to replace the energy stores. I feed the main meal in the morning so stores should be well stocked for lamping in the evening. Then I feed a light meal again as soon as they have cooled down. If it’s a long night with a lot of runs or a few pretty hard ones a little snack now and then through the night, piece of an energy bar, is probably helpful, (think I’ve covered that before.)

Edited by sandymere
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