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Is ptsd an illness reserved especially for soldiers then ?.....if its a mental illness suffered by humans then surely every human has their different limits what might be unnacceptable for one wont be for another.......................just seems to me todays society loves a victim !


No, of course it's not exclusive to soldiers, I was just giving a well known example. PTSD has always been recognised(Shell shock, Battle fatigue etc etc), just not understood and historically not accepted because of this.


Yeah, todays society does love a victim, but lets not let that feeling cause the genuinely ill to be neglected and labeled as chancers.

And how do you tell the difference ? ......likewise with all these other new found illnesses what have we got now.... add,adhd,ptsd and whatever other psycho therapeutic social anxieties medicating 6 year old kids up to the eyeballs rather than say this kids a naughty f****r and this blokes a bit of a f**k up !.....Everyone seems to have their hand out seeing what they can get without doing anything for it and here we are giving out legitimate excuses...............call me old fashioned but its no surprise to me our society is rotting from the inside out you only need to switch the tv its a competition these days to see who can cry the most and be the biggest victim.

and your calling me a bully for saying similar on the homeless thread, if a man comes into disaster in his life and is down on his luck but wants help or does something to change it that's genuine, but for somebody to mope about for years and do nothing but beg , cry the victim but don't want help or don't do anything to help themselves them they chose that life so why feel sorry for them, hypocritical gnasher
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Everybody is wired differently and some peopleecan cope with things far better than others ... troops on the front line are under massive stress ... you dont know if your next step will be your last t

post traumatic stress disorder is exactly what it says. it is real and folk do need help to control it. it beggers belief how many folk are so judgemental. its not just a soldiers illness it is brough

You can do as much real to life training as you want , until you do it for real and see these things no one knows how each person will act / react or the long term effects on them

How on earth is a man down on his luck living rough on the streets the same as someone claiming benefit for having a naughty child or being a bit of a f**k up ?


Besides which......i wouldnt give either of them a sly dig while they are down like you would ;)

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Its all a bit " old thinking " i know but i cant help wondering is this just one of these new found " victim " illnesses we hear more and more about these days,im sure its all very unpleasant but i dont remember hearing our gr fathers and fathers coming out with all this after wars or traumatic experiences.....similar with these new kids illnessess adhd do they call it.....we just got called naughty little c**ts yet now a parent can claim benefits and get cars off the government for it :icon_eek:


If it exists, I truly think that with all the shit life has thrown at me from a young age, i'd definately have it!


But,...I just put it down to life, as Bruce Lee reportedly said "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"

So with that in mind, im bearing up!LOL


By the way, as regards to soldiers in battle, or emergency services and people who have seen terrible terrible things then I believe that someone might never be the same person they was before. I pray to not experience those things.

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How on earth is a man down on his luck living rough on the streets the same as someone claiming benefit for having a naughty child or being a bit of a f**k up ?


Besides which......i wouldnt give either of them a sly dig while they are down like you would ;)

but your saying that homeless people have stuff wrong with them but naughty kids with add ADHD etc etc are just sticking their hand out crying victim??? Come on I agree with the statement you made at first. And who have I kicked when down?
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How on earth is a man down on his luck living rough on the streets the same as someone claiming benefit for having a naughty child or being a bit of a f**k up ?


Besides which......i wouldnt give either of them a sly dig while they are down like you would ;)

but your saying that homeless people have stuff wrong with them but naughty kids with add ADHD etc etc are just sticking their hand out crying victim??? Come on I agree with the statement you made at first. And who have I kicked when down?



When did i say homeless people " have stuff wrong with them " ?.....Until i engage someone in conversation i dont have a clue whats wrong with them,if i dont enage them in conversation its none of my business.


Last year i gave a young lad from a family i know a job as he,s not a very bright young lad but seemed friendly enough.....wasnt much of a job but it wasnt too difficult and it was money in his pocket......he did it no problem for 3 days before deciding to go and put a benefit claim in instead ( for less money ) on the basis he has one of these illnesses..............id rather have a natter with some ol boy and maybe put a bit of decent clobber on his back or a meal in his belly....than encourage someones laziness.


I dont know who you kicked when they were down....only you know that.

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Everybody is wired differently and some peopleecan cope with things far better than others ... troops on the front line are under massive stress ... you dont know if your next step will be your last thanks to an iedror whether just as your cracking a joke with your mate a sniper is going to take your head off ... or when your under your bed trying to get some cover when your being mortared for the 14th time that day ... and if you survive all that there is every chance you will see one of your mates or civilians blown to pieces burned or with horrendous bullet wounds ... and if that doesnt mess with your head there are the sickening sights you see when you get to a remote village that has been ethnically clensead ... some things you see in life never leave you ... and unfortunately they end up with a messed head ... now call it ptsd or that the fella is a f**k up ...one things for sure its very real .....

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Everybody is wired differently and some peopleecan cope with things far better than others ... troops on the front line are under massive stress ... you dont know if your next step will be your last thanks to an iedror whether just as your cracking a joke with your mate a sniper is going to take your head off ... or when your under your bed trying to get some cover when your being mortared for the 14th time that day ... and if you survive all that there is every chance you will see one of your mates or civilians blown to pieces burned or with horrendous bullet wounds ... and if that doesnt mess with your head there are the sickening sights you see when you get to a remote village that has been ethnically clensead ... some things you see in life never leave you ... and unfortunately they end up with a messed head ... now call it ptsd or that the fella is a f**k up ...one things for sure its very real .....


Im just curious to know Socks......if a soldier tops himself after a traumatic event of this nature are any checks done as to who put him through the selection process ?


Not that im making light of it but surely if a pattern was to emerge questions would have to be asked ?

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All wars lead to some the unlucky ones suffering psychological harm, I’ve seem youngsters lost in society on a downward spiral of destruction and old men awaken screaming and thrashing around in their bed 50 years after the conflict. There will always be some who abuse the system and jump on the band wagon but for those that really suffer then at least a little understanding?

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Everybody is wired differently and some peopleecan cope with things far better than others ... troops on the front line are under massive stress ... you dont know if your next step will be your last thanks to an iedror whether just as your cracking a joke with your mate a sniper is going to take your head off ... or when your under your bed trying to get some cover when your being mortared for the 14th time that day ... and if you survive all that there is every chance you will see one of your mates or civilians blown to pieces burned or with horrendous bullet wounds ... and if that doesnt mess with your head there are the sickening sights you see when you get to a remote village that has been ethnically clensead ... some things you see in life never leave you ... and unfortunately they end up with a messed head ... now call it ptsd or that the fella is a f**k up ...one things for sure its very real .....

No mate nothing asked nothing questioned ... you can be the best soldier in the world but nobody can train your brain to switch off ... some can some cant .......


I couldn't agree more.

You hit the nail on the head there.

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No mate nothing asked nothing questioned ... you can be the best soldier in the world but nobody can train your brain to switch off ... some can some cant .......


I just wondered if it was looked into at all.....makes sense to me that if Mr Smith selected 10 men who happened to top themself and Mr Jones selected 10 men who didnt then Mr Smiths selection process would need to be looked at.......im simplifying things for sake of argument of course but surprises me nothing like that is in place.

Edited by gnasher16
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No mate nothing asked nothing questioned ... you can be the best soldier in the world but nobody can train your brain to switch off ... some can some cant .......


I just wondered if it was looked into at all.....makes sense to me that if Mr Smith selected 10 men who happened to top themself and Mr Jones selected 10 men who didnt then Mr Smiths selection process would need to be looked at.......im simplifying things for sake of argument of course but surprises me nothing like that is in place.

There is no way that the instructor in training could be blamed for somebody topping themselves ... Basic training is just that BASIC ... It's designed to get a civilian to the basic requirements needed to join a regiment ... They get fit learn drill basic field craft and weapon handling ... A lot of youngsters can't even handle this and get weeded out and sent home ... Only when they get to their regiment do they really get tested and put in real battle situations ... The three fellas I knew that topped themselves had all served at least 22 years so there is no way you could blame their original instructor ........

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