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For All The Fighters / Martial Artists .......

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The only time ive ever even seen somebody march on with all that kung fu crap he was totally overwhelmed in short order by a very well known local chap of the day standing in a dickie bow outside a cl

Nah......me either !

I'm currently studying WILF CANT DO   It's a bastardised form of Morris dancing mixed with a few battle crys brought over with the Normans   Entry to this elite secret martial art can only be ac

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I think to truely understand what some factions get out of martial arts you'd need to knock on the mossad door and ask em what they're f****n about at on the david carradine stroke


I was on lever st in 84 when three herberts attempted to slay sken (unannounced triple machette attack), bizarrely he did'nt use any method he preaches, which to be truthfull did'nt shock me, i'd seen sam de-power Paul Sykes by means of something that was'nt written in a book...funny thing though, Sam did'nt know sykes from adam ant but he felt the need to apologise to us and kept saying 'no gud....secret homosexual....no gud'. I asked him much later did he intend to drop some cancer on hm purposefully and he smiled and told me 'no understandy boss', when i told him to save it for the punters he roared laffin (i was'nt trying to be funny)..i suppose his horderves were getting jumpy at someone clocking his unseen malice.


Psst Sockittoem....Chi Sao is very subtle, it's like an hypnotic drug, the only problem with it (or maybe not) is it teaches you too much, the pressure deflected can easilly be transposed to deflecting outside mental pressures in life, the strengths the same (ya get me?)..you dont know what you're going to do next, you just come out of it after say 20k hrs and you understand what Yin and Yang means fully, even if you can't articulate it and that's it your done, walk out the door knowing thier are ten million other equally intresting doors out there.

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Going back to your other post wilf about girls doing martial arts,,,,


Door lad I worked with ,,drilled his girlfriend in in the figure 4 leg choke thing,,,feck me she could get it on quick from lying in the missionary position,,, great skill to learn for an attempted rape,,,if there's no way of running away

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My pal who made that video does lots of stuff mate, he runs a women's self defence class too and he has specially devised a programme for it......some of those chicks can go at it TOMO.


He does a lot with a special school near me, all the kids have severe learning disabilities and to see the sense of pride and achievement on their faces when they do a grading and win a new belt is simply awesome.


Also works with police, schools, wayward kids.......he was a tidy footballer in his day but he has found his niche doing this.

Great lad like

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Fair play, he look a tidy lad......from what I have seen, there seems to be more different martial arts associations than enough.

Each will claim they are more legitimate than the other.......bit like all the different boxing associations I suppose.


The fact is, that's just politics and there are lads doing well and setting a good example in all of them.

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Going back to your other post wilf about girls doing martial arts,,,,


Door lad I worked with ,,drilled his girlfriend in in the figure 4 leg choke thing,,,feck me she could get it on quick from lying in the missionary position,,, great skill to learn for an attempted rape,,,if there's no way of running away

he caught you at it then??? :tongue2:


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This is the lad I know......he is is brilliant with kids




Beautiful !.....Call me a big soft twat but i get more inspiration from watching that lad run up and down in a straight line than i could get from any daft Jackie Chan spinning roundhouse caper !.......I dont buy into all the silly demonstrations they do against people being demonstrated on......but that fella seems a good man who understands the true values of sport and how it can enrich our lives......thankyou for posting that Wilf.

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My pal who made that video does lots of stuff mate, he runs a women's self defence class too and he has specially devised a programme for it......some of those chicks can go at it TOMO.


He does a lot with a special school near me, all the kids have severe learning disabilities and to see the sense of pride and achievement on their faces when they do a grading and win a new belt is simply awesome.


Also works with police, schools, wayward kids.......he was a tidy footballer in his day but he has found his niche doing this.

Great lad like

Sounds like a rewarding job and a top bloke that.

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I looked into Krav last year , but the prices round here where daylight robbery , some seemed to be mickey mouse set ups stating if you did a 3 day course you'd get an instuctors certificate , just a liscence to print money and rip folks off

Not saying all krav clubs are the same but the few ive seen have been :censored:

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This is the lad I know......he is is brilliant with kids


Beautiful !.....Call me a big soft twat but i get more inspiration from watching that lad run up and down in a straight line than i could get from any daft Jackie Chan spinning roundhouse caper !.......I dont buy into all the silly demonstrations they do against people being demonstrated on......but that fella seems a good man who understands the true values of sport and how it can enrich our lives......thankyou for posting that Wilf.

He is a clever dude mate, he has another thing whereby he will devise learning programmes for kids who are like I was, failing for whatever reason, he can use his sports coaching methods to teach them all sorts of normal school subjects........don't ask me how, but he does it.

I suppose if he can get a couple of kids doing well who are about to drop off life's radar then that's something to be proud of.

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