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Putting Up With A Average Lurcher...

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Give examples of what's an average dog? Some nights my Bitch might chance 20 out of 20 the next night 15 out of 20 is she average ever field, ditch and night is different and we all know summer lamping is a waste of time, ditches are heavy with cover and long grass so I'd leave your bitch to rest up keep it fit on the lead and she'll come on grand, don't loose faint so fast cause if I did I wouldn't have a dog left and after a full season and you think she isn't for you then you can say u always tryed but don't he rating it off a dog that has seasons under its belt, pick your runs and she'll pick em better 2! Best of luck

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Life is far too short, to base your happiness on the performance of a poxy dog...

I think that you are right there Trenchfoot..   Unfortunately, some folk don't quite get it,...they get a wee bit confused.com.

It depends on the owner. If they want an average dog, so be it. If they want a top class dog they will keep trying until they get it. BUT !! Many owners will NEVER have a good dog, because THEY are no

Suppose it depends on what you want from the dog but I generally have the same feelings too working dogs as track dogs would you keep a pure racing greyhound that couldn't win a race too save itself just depends if you want too be critical on every single detail dogs are dogs some shine some not so much that's all there is too it

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I think my old bitch is average. But does that make me unhappy with her or question keeping her? No. What's wrong with average as long as you have fun?


Doesn't the bond between man and dog come into play?


I've never bonded with the old girl like I have my pup. I've considered having the old girl PTS a few times when she's had injuries and never batted an eye lid. The pup however I love to bits and I was in tears yesterday at the thought of losing her at the vets. Even if she is below average and doesn't mount to much she will stay and I guarantee we will have years of fun mooching and missing stuff, ferreting and missing stuff and lamping and missing stuff.

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That is a good attitude for a young man to have,...keep it up... :clapper:


Just keep on, keepin on,.. and in my experience,..an average dog can often turn into,... an above average one... :thumbs:


Are you still swapping and changing looking for a world beater? Lol

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Just because a dog is average at the job you expected to do, doesn't mean it will not shine at others. Or even shine if you had a different approach to training and entering it. There's more than one way to crack an egg you know!

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:hmm: I think that you are right there Trenchfoot...as the diversity of answers to the original poster would surely attest...Unfortunately, some folk can get a wee bit confused.com. :laugh:


The lurcher world, is an incredibly varied cheeseboard of miscellaneous crossbreeds and purpose bred types...


If your taste is for the competitive disciplines,..coursing, racing,.etc,..or you need a dog that will assist you in the control of vulpines,.then,..a lurcher that is not of a certain persuasion, either mentally or physically might not be up to the task,..and sadly,..no amount of canny training or schooling on your part can make a 'silk purse out of a sows ear' ...so,.the decision as to whether you must part company, is one which you might, or might not, have to make..

However,..I do believe, all things being equal,..that you can often turn an average roustabout , rough and ready working dog, into an above average animal...

I have been lucky in doing this on several occasions.


It often requires a change of routine ,..a change of terrain...and a change of heart... ;)


I count myself fortunate, in as much as I am not tied to the restraints of success, or of impressing my peers,.in fact, I feel sorry for guys who put themselves and their jukels, under pressure.

History tells me,.(for, I have been there),.that sooner or later, something has to give and tragedy is never far away..I have lost too many pals,.both human and canine......

Nowadays, in my dotage,..I just want to enjoy my dogs,....for me,...nobody else... :laugh:


So,..average cur,.below average mutt,.or just plain fecking hopeless, waste of space,...as long as a running dog tries his best,...we will always find a way, to catch some game. :thumbs:


All the best,.. to all crosses,....regards, Phil.



Brilliant post :thumbs:

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My thought's are this....You hunt with a dog to catch game...If that dog doesn't catch game then no amount of "good course but a shame it didn't catch" is going to wash. Granted you miss a few but at what stage do you draw the line?? The pleasure is in the hunt?? Maybe it is...but at the end of the day you want a catch. 50/50 catch and miss would be average ??? Start dropping below that and you'll have less than average ?? Obviously some tasks are going to produce more catches than others but there comes a point when so many misses are going to piss you off. Yes you love your dog. yes it gets you out for a few hours. But coming home knowing the dog could have done better nearly every time is going to leave a bitter taste. Likes been said. You can feed a bad un as well as a good un. The question still remains. How long are you going to put up with a less than average performance.

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My thought's are this....You hunt with a dog to catch game...If that dog doesn't catch game then no amount of "good course but a shame it didn't catch" is going to wash. Granted you miss a few but at what stage do you draw the line?? The pleasure is in the hunt?? Maybe it is...but at the end of the day you want a catch. 50/50 catch and miss would be average ??? Start dropping below that and you'll have less than average ?? Obviously some tasks are going to produce more catches than others but there comes a point when so many misses are going to piss you off. Yes you love your dog. yes it gets you out for a few hours. But coming home knowing the dog could have done better nearly every time is going to leave a bitter taste. Likes been said. You can feed a bad un as well as a good un. The question still remains. How long are you going to put up with a less than average performance.

It's a tough one Stabba, but many folk will always do what they always did when it comes to training, entering and nurturing a dog to the best of its abilities. Some dogs need a different approach/change of scene to get the best out of them. But how many are prepared to do it? I know I haven't in the past, and with the wisdom that comes with age, my arse needed kicking back then for my blinkered view

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