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When Does A Animal Become Classed As Feral?

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Was stopped earlier today by a Community Support Police Officer and was told to keep my dogs on a lead around this bit of scrubby waste ground that I've been taking them for ages, so I asked why what was the problem. She proceeded to tell me that she's had a complaint of my dogs "worrying" cats that are there, which isn't strictly the case. Back about 18 months ago my dogs kept treeing a cat, which I found a bit odd as theres no houses for a fair distance in the area, then this summer they treed the cat again and when I went to retrieve them I found that there was also a litter of kittens there, so I leaded them up and left.


I've since found out that some woman who lets say isn't quite the full shilling as been feeding these cats and says they are hers, yet she lives in the next village 2 miles away. I told the CSPO this and she said that if my dogs are seen "worrying" these cats again then I can expect a visit and will most likely be charged because they belong to somebody.


So what I'm trying to ask is shouldn't these cats be classed as feral and I'm fully aware that its illegal to knowingly hunt these cats but that was never my intention, its just that these cats are messing with my perfectly legal exercising of my dogs.


These cats are breeding with each other at quite a rate and there must be about 12 there now, maybe more that stay out the way. I'm not the type to go around giving somebodies "pet" a hard time but these are hardly pets and if they are these womans pets as ahe says shouldn't she be at least trying to move them from this area that is hardly ideal for a pet.


Sorry for the long post just got me a bit peeved that I was the one being targeted by a over zealous CSPO. :thumbs:

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get some live traps and catch them all then drive over to the womans house and drop them off at her door

I thought by law you had to give food and shelter ? well they aint going to get much shelter out on scrub land   what is it with people and cats they become obsessed with having to feed them cant

JB it doesn't matter wether they belong to someone or they are feral , your dog accidently chases them there is nothing anyone can do , you arnt breaking any laws

I thought by law you had to give food and shelter ?

well they aint going to get much shelter out on scrub land


what is it with people and cats they become obsessed with having to feed them

cant stand the f*cking things always shitting in everyones garden


you got a lamp johnny.... :laugh:

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Ask the idiot PCSO what she will charge you with in respect to these cats. Then when she tries to invent something tell her to leave you alone and carry on about your business.

You aren't actively hunting the cats and if your dogs kill one, it's an accident, there's no charge to answer. It's all about intent

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I brought that up today with the plastic police but all she seemed concerned about was my dogs giving the cats grief, I said what about the cats giving the birds, voles etc grief and her answer was "well cats will be cats" and I said "well dogs will be dogs and they tend to chase cats"


Its easier sometimes to bang your head against a wall than talk to these uneducated morons.

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Get the other useless lot involved, I'm talking, arsepca here, give them a ring and tell them that there are feral cats on the land and need sorting as they are a health hazard crapping everywhere. See if anything happens. If they ask you if you may have an idea who owns them, point them in the direction of the crazy cat lady.

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cat owners are immune from prosecution if there cat kills someones chickens as in law they are doing what cats naturally do, however as a dog owner you are guilty for not being in control of your dog if it kills one of the same chickens :blink:

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Is there really nothing else round there this copper can be bothering herself with?? I suppose dwarfs are easy pickings :D


In all seriousness she can't charge you with anything if there is no intent, if she says cats will be cats you say dogs will be dogs and be on your way. Probably a good bit of land for a good mooch with the dogs, no harm at all gives you and them a good stretch, but no, there's always some jumped up over zealous jobsworth bint there to try and ruin it :censored:

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I know accidents happen and she's not really got anything to charge me with(if it did happen) its just a bit of a piss off when I'm the one being targeted, probably be different if I was walking around with a yorkie or something.


Theres a cat sanctuary down the road so I'll give them a ring tomorrow. :thumbs:

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I wouldn't be so sure..... If your dogs nailed someones cat in a park you'd be done for having your dog out of control. If your dogs nail a cat by accident on permission or your own land then that's seen as a genuine accident and lawful. I'm just not so sure that you aren't technically breaking some law?

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