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The fact that you can type this, the fact that computers exist, the fact that you live in a house, the fact that you probably drive a car, the fact that you have the ability to do all of the previous

Just another mong that doesn't have a clue where food comes from

Mental, truly mental. This is the type of person we are dealing with here! Not fussed about human life (poking fun at death), or the life of the hunting dogs (throwing acid at them, stealing them etc)

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but he likes red squirrels not grey ones :laugh:

utter madness :laugh: can i just say that everytime i meet someone who is anti hunting i have invited them for a day out-my 1 uncle was the same-i took him ferretting once-he was addicted -now has 2 harris hawks and a team of ferrets-always on the blower lets go out :laugh: gets around more than me-lol-when he saw that it was not about dogs ripping little bunnies apart-but was humane and sporting he could not see what the problem was-had his first confrontation with the bunny huggers when his harris male took a grey infront of some dog walkers- lol-both him and his 12yr old daughter explained that the bird was hunting for food and thats how it is in real life :yes: 1 thing that sticks in my mind is that on the drive home-he turned to me and my mate and said watching the dogs mark/hold bolters and retrieving them he felt PROUD-and they werent even his dogs :D-he went out and found permission and is a HUNTER FOR LIFE now-the more people that try it the more will take up the past time.imho.ignore the ignorant and leave them to it-atb :thumbs:

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but he likes red squirrels not grey ones :laugh:

utter madness :laugh: can i just say that everytime i meet someone who is anti hunting i have invited them for a day out-my 1 uncle was the same-i took him ferretting once-he was addicted -now has 2 harris hawks and a team of ferrets-always on the blower lets go out :laugh: gets around more than me-lol-when he saw that it was not about dogs ripping little bunnies apart-but was humane and sporting he could not see what the problem was-had his first confrontation with the bunny huggers when his harris male took a grey infront of some dog walkers- lol-both him and his 12yr old daughter explained that the bird was hunting for food and thats how it is in real life :yes: 1 thing that sticks in my mind is that on the drive home-he turned to me and my mate and said watching the dogs mark/hold bolters and retrieving them he felt PROUD-and they werent even his dogs :D-he went out and found permission and is a HUNTER FOR LIFE now-the more people that try it the more will take up the past time.imho.ignore the ignorant and leave them to it-atb :thumbs:


this is what the anti`s understand better than us. theres them, then theres us and in the middle is the biggest side "joe public" in the main joe public is not one bit interested in either of us, or whats right or wrong. Its only when presented with information put infront of them that thay have to make a choice, presented in a clear concise way the reasons for hunting/killing far outway the reasons not to, this is why they now post crap like this bloke, it provokes a reaction that they can use to there advantage for swaying "joe public" its a catch 22 situation, if i had locked or deleted this post at the begining, then it could have been said that "we carn`t defend what we do", so we just delete to hide this fact. i chose to leave it open and put a post to keep it clean, again risking members posting things that can be used to futher there aims. I have not banned the member either as i would like him to come on and debate his beliefs.

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but he likes red squirrels not grey ones :laugh:

utter madness :laugh: can i just say that everytime i meet someone who is anti hunting i have invited them for a day out-my 1 uncle was the same-i took him ferretting once-he was addicted -now has 2 harris hawks and a team of ferrets-always on the blower lets go out :laugh: gets around more than me-lol-when he saw that it was not about dogs ripping little bunnies apart-but was humane and sporting he could not see what the problem was-had his first confrontation with the bunny huggers when his harris male took a grey infront of some dog walkers- lol-both him and his 12yr old daughter explained that the bird was hunting for food and thats how it is in real life :yes: 1 thing that sticks in my mind is that on the drive home-he turned to me and my mate and said watching the dogs mark/hold bolters and retrieving them he felt PROUD-and they werent even his dogs :D-he went out and found permission and is a HUNTER FOR LIFE now-the more people that try it the more will take up the past time.imho.ignore the ignorant and leave them to it-atb :thumbs:


Ferrets,dogs,hawks all digusting,though I could be convinced :laugh::tongue2:

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For a person to take pleasure from the loss of someone's life ,regardless of the pain it causes to the family /children etc ,to mock a man who will live with this for the rest of his life says much of your mental state. You are ill and need help.....good luck I hope you find that help and regain a sence of respect & human decency

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I bet a months pay the insane person behind this post is a pathetic excuse of a life that could of gone to a better man/women they live there lifes on benefits as there too weird to work with normal people they sit on the pc trying to be smart as they could never confront a real minded man/women they ride around on there push irones with hi vis on........

what a shame they live in a world with us

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