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THE BIG TON... And moster bags

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listen mate im by far an expert on dog health or anything to do with dog's to be honest but i like to put a bit of effortinto what the dog eats epecially as she was graffting hard. i like the hill's

Can it be done? Is it possible? Everybody has there own ideas....... But now we have the answer.   3 lads I know have been away for a few days up north,,, the first night Monday they had 110 ,with

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts, for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let'

Guest Leveller

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts,

for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let's see your dog's fecking collar and to the knockers

it makes you wander if it's worht the time and effort to do a long post with pic's for some to enjoy.


Yes I feel the same, lately I've noticed the threads going down hill but then it's just come off the summer so that's fair enough but rather than moan about it I thought I'd make more of an effort to share my exploits than I have in the past and I hope others do to, that's all we can do for the site and improve the quality. The messers will hopefully find a new fad and move on. Well done on your bumper bag I would love to read more about it and see some pics particulary of the collars you use so lets see um............................................................ :boogy:

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I believe it could be done, and well done to the dogs, but it doesn't make the dogs any more special to me than a dog that gos out and catches 10 or 20 on bad ground to catch that amount of rabbits the ground must be polluted and if it is the rabbits are probably very green, numbers isn't everything,the dog work is, the amount of rabbits, type of ground etc, not taking anything away from the lads or the dogs that's a good night but a dig doing 20-30 on hard ground might have to work three times as hard and get 3 times ye battering that these dog did.

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for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let's see your dog's fecking collar


That is obviously aimed at me. Who are you to tell me what to read and what not to read! This is an open forum anyone is free to read and post. If you dont like opinions good or bad DONT post.

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think there all lurcher to lurcher mate,,,, one of them is minshaw type, but of course thats lurcher to lurcher.............. i could be wrong,and most proberly am,,,, but 1 might be a hanckock,,,,or out of hancock stuff



no handcock in any of the dogs

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isle of canna and they dont have crates on the ferries bunny the dogs can go with you :tongue2: and its full of weed to boys so fill your boots atb


did they bring back all the rabbits or sell them therem? because would have loved to see them on the boat coming ,that would turn few eyes . :laugh:

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isle of canna and they dont have crates on the ferries bunny the dogs can go with you :tongue2: and its full of weed to boys so fill your boots atb


did they bring back all the rabbits or sell them therem? because would have loved to see them on the boat coming ,that would turn few eyes . :laugh:

very superstitious up there mate, mention the word rabbit and some locals wouldn't sail, but hundreds of the feckers would cause nervous breakdowns

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IT looks like the lamping is becoming a numbers game,i think it is more for the ego of the owners rather than the working of the dogs,if lads were to do the big numbers and kept more quite about it ,i believe more respect be given,purely because it does not look like a dig at the lads that may do less

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Why keep quiet about a big bag think people are just jelious because they don't have the pleasure to work there dogs where there is so many rabbits.Looks like to me the men have put lot hard time and lot miles in to get that sort off numbers.Dont know if l would take pleasures off killing so many myself .lf l had choice off a massive bag (100) or over 7 local l would take the over 7 local just because l know its so hard and there lamped so much but well done to men and dogs

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Folk who say, i'd rather catch seven hard rabbits then 100 easier ones etc, that's just bollocks. Any dog man would be buzzing like a fridge, seeing their dog lift over 100 rabbits. Its not just the running and catching, in terms of physical demands, but also just having the mental strength to go out again and again and again on rabbits, every minuite or so for hours, without the dog sickening. For this kind of thing to happen requires a number of factors coming together, obviously the land, and conditions and rabbit density plays a big part, but you cant deny that it takes a special kind of dog to handle the repetative nature of it. And not just that, but to do the ton, after doing a very good bag the night before, and still be lamping the third night as well, its just great.


The biggest issue is that everyone wants to do it or to beat it, and so when it comes on the internet like this, you sign the death warrent of that land. The next couple of years will see a shit ton of folk visiting those places and soon enough it wont be possible to do those numbers anymore. At least its a bit harder to get to, or it would be like the dales, quick sharp, with everyone and their brother hitting it to try to get the numbers.


Aye, its great to tell folk, but i think if it was me, i'd stick to telling the folk i know, and wouldnt foe the life of me, stick the location etc up on THL. That just proper fucks it, and what's gained?

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