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passers by ignore injured child

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i thought i'd read before watching and after reading your replies im glad i did,i wont bother watching,i take it it was chinks and who the feck was filming it :censored:


It was shot from some kind of security camera, mate. It's properly upsetting and I wish I'd not watched it TBH.

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im suprised they didnt eat her.

Chinese ,, completely ignorant without a bone of compassion in their bodies,,   They treat animals like disposable trash ,and treat other humans just the same,,,scum,,, Japs are not much better, ig

agree its savage u wud not treat an animal like that there sick b*****ds

you only need to read or hear of the stories from veterans who were captured by them.think its an asian trait tbh.cause the vietnamese certainly took great enjoyment from torturing and watching people suffer.


cant believe not one person stopped there,even on the slummiest schemes in the uk someone would stop.


Not all the asians. The Buddhists are pretty chilled. . .


But the rest are f*****g wierd.

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you only need to read or hear of the stories from veterans who were captured by them.think its an asian trait tbh.cause the vietnamese certainly took great enjoyment from torturing and watching people suffer.


cant believe not one person stopped there,even on the slummiest schemes in the uk someone would stop.


Not all the asians. The Buddhists are pretty chilled. . .


But the rest are f*****g wierd.


yea i guess they are mate.dunno much about them tbh were they always peacefull.also why is the dali lama so popular?never understood that.everybody and anybody wants thier pic taken with him or to meet him.dont get it.its like mandela aswell.

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Thats f*****g unreal....the dirty b*****ds!! I cannot believe that the other truck ran over the child. I'd shoot everyone of they b*****ds.... :censored:

true mate, both them cu#ts went over her, i think the 1st must have known ,because he stopped then drove over her again, 2nd was just as bad. Thank feck you were born in this country, them twats need a f****n BIG BOMB on them :yes:

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I would say Africans should be very scared.

China is taking a foot hold over there and if this is how they treat there own, god only knows what Africans can expect.

It will make western colonialism feel like a very happy memory.


I was over there some time back and went to visit a friend on a rough housing estate. She was upset that a neighbour with mental problems was spending his evenings beating the living shit out of his dog in his flat. You could hear the poor dogs cries across the estate all night, but nobody did a thing. My suggestion to get the police round round there was met by a 'are you crazy' look from my friend.

Don't confuse mainland Chinese with many of the other countries inhabitants in that area. Communism I think had stripped away part of there soul and they may as well be from another planet.

Edited by shepp
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I would say Africans should be very scared.

China is taking a foot hold over there and if this is how they treat there own, god only knows what Africans can expect.

It will make western colonialism feel like a very happy memory.

thats true they control most of west africa especially ghana as oil was discovered a couple of years ago.

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i thought i'd read before watching and after reading your replies im glad i did,i wont bother watching,i take it it was chinks and who the feck was filming it :censored:


same here craig,, just red the replys,, and thought thats enough for me,,,, hate watching stuff were kids get hurt,, it angers me as well as makeing me well up....


same as that program last night about those stolen kids from spain,, very uppsetng,,,, the mrs couldnt belive it.........i siad there not the ony ones we did it , so did ireland , and the ozys

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They reckon half the trouble with passers by offing assistance over there is that any person who stops to help an accident victim often gets the blame. :yes: There's an ongoing case in the news there about a bloke who went to the aid of some woman and ended up being charged with the actual offence & fined a massive, massive amount of money. :yes:


It might seem irrelevant to us, but if that sort of feeling is deeply ingrained in a culture & you're wary about helping people due to the possible consequences of it, you can kind of see why it happens..


It's still sickening..

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They reckon half the trouble with passers by offing assistance over there is that any person who stops to help an accident victim often gets the blame. :yes: There's an ongoing case in the news there about a bloke who went to the aid of some woman and ended up being charged with the actual offence & fined a massive, massive amount of money. :yes:


It might seem irrelevant to us, but if that sort of feeling is deeply ingrained in a culture & you're wary about helping people due to the possible consequences of it, you can kind of see why it happens..


It's still sickening..

I think you're right malt, they don't see it as anything else other than normal.

It's very sad though that this kind of behaviour goes on anywhere in the world, and no matter how you look at it, it's simply SICKENING

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ths proberbly a stupid question being as though she has ben ran over twice,, but cos im not going to watch it,, does any one know weather she survived???


She was brain dead in hospital the last I heard on the news Tomo.. :(

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ths proberbly a stupid question being as though she has ben ran over twice,, but cos im not going to watch it,, does any one know weather she survived???

Tomo you could probably watch it mate, honestly! It made me really angry more than upset. Its not the clearest of videos and it doesn't have sound(thank f**k for that). I reckon she made it....or i hope she did but she will have defo had broken legs and maybe abdominal injuries. Still a shower of disgusting b*****ds!!!

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