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Ratting With Lurchers

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Much gets posted about other type of quarry such as ..rabbit..hare..fox and deer...But hardly see much posted about the humble rat...The reason i started this thread is because now the combines are out my lurchers will take quite a few from dykes and hedge bottoms.

Anybody on here who has "Rat Only Days" with lurchers?? would like to hear other peoples views on this and a few pics if possible...atb stabba

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used to take the girls wee brothers down to one of the farms i had with the lurchers. never had any massive bags but it kept them amused for an hour  

I use rats at a stage between rabbits and the Charlie give them good experience of encountering being bitten and how to respond, so when the times right they have the drill set in there heads even tho

I've always been the opposit Chris, i've always started mine on bunnys and always they've brought 'em back live, then when starting them on rats or anythin that bites back, they know the difference.

dont have lurchers now but me and the lads used to hunt the hedge rows around the local pig farms at this time of the year and it was great uusing collie crosses deerhound crosses and any thing that wanted to come ratting and i can tell you mate it was brilliant watching the big dogs pulling long tails from up in the hawthorn hedges ,we got some canny numbers too aaahh them were the good old days. mind you our ferrets used to get hammered from the longtails and we lost a fair few from injuries

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Ratted with just about every cur that'd take to it Stabba, Westies, Cairns, Yorkies an Alsation, Labs, Spaniels, Bull Terriers, Collies and various of pedigree unknowns. But as has been said, using a lurcher alongside the terriers really does improve your bag and Moll's pics certainly proove that.


Had some good fun with just the lurchers too. Not far from where I live now was a huge landfill site, Sefton tip, right next to Altcar estate. Many a time if we got fecked off Altcar we'd head over the tip (we had a spade an bar stash there, as my old man worked on the tip) and spend a morning ratting. Our lurchers fecking loved it and would switch on to marking rats through the shite as keen as scanning the big stubbles.

Not that it bothered us then too much but the lurchers came back in some sorry states, around the muzzel from forcing it in to rubbish to drag out a rat, to nasty leg and body injuries usually from suicidal strikes and catches over the same ground. Never mind the bites! It really was tough on the dogs but the numbers made it worth it.


If we wanted an easier time of it, we lamped the ditches around the tip. We started with a landing net but after a night or two, our lurchers would dive right in for their quarry or walk apace with us but through the water, checking the banks. Thinking back, I wish my dogs now were as versitile as the ones we had then!!


Any sized lurcher that's switched on will take to it BUT beware the knocks, a rats size will see lurchers really getting low for some of their catches, can play hell with stoppers and chests, plus it's a real rough an tumble game, in places lurchers usually shouldn't be and they usually come out a lot worse than terriers at the end of the day.


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