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Perhaps if we white parents didn't let our 12 year old daughters wander the streets in mini skirts tight tops flashing their belly-button pierces and swigging cheap lager and blagging fags off older guys there might be less of a problem?


Just a thought.

totaly agree there ricW............

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Perhaps if we white parents didn't let our 12 year old daughters wander the streets in mini skirts tight tops flashing their belly-button pierces and swigging cheap lager and blagging fags off older guys there might be less of a problem?


Just a thought.

totaly agree there ricW............


So that's the excuse to rape them is it?

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TBH i think the vast majority of parents in this country dont let 12year olds wander the streets at night in mini skirts,aslo even if they did a responsible adult would call the authoritys and report a minor wandering the streets.well i know i would.or do you mean that its ok cause the muslims have diffrent cultures and traditions and to molest or attack them is acceptable?come on mate you know thats not a valid reason and certainly not as widespread as you make out.

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Perhaps if we white parents didn't let our 12 year old daughters wander the streets in mini skirts tight tops flashing their belly-button pierces and swigging cheap lager and blagging fags off older guys there might be less of a problem?


Just a thought.

totaly agree there ricW............


So that's the excuse to rape them is it?


No, not an excuse to rape them but I look round me and see a general decline in standards in 'British' society. Broken Britain - too many kids running wild with no discipline or parental supervision and instillment of moral standards and education. Too many 'Jeremy Kyle' style parents. Time for people to take more pride in their own standards and more interest and responsibility for what their kids are up to. I shudder to think what the future holds for Britain.

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Catcher who gives a f**k about bloody Sunday you fat c**t? Go get some exercise fatty.


Probably the relatives who had family murdered that day you f*****g cretin... :wankerzo4:


Sure they'll be ok with the £ millions in compensation they'll get. Or maybe they will refuse to take British blood money. Doubt it though :boogie:

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gonetoearth if you feel so strongly why not go talk to your local athoritys or mp and ask what they are doing to remady the problem? i meen yes this is a public forum and yes it is here for open descution but theres no need to get so angry. anger just leads to more anger fella.

in my area its not druging white girls its drugs! i meen in a big way, they have flooded the area. and it does seem to be mainly young asian males running things. just causing chaos. my nabourhood banded together and contacted the police and demanded that they do something about the situation. a big raid was held and 7 or 8 of the top dealers in the area were arrested. NOW when i say 'top' im not talking about silly little boys running for people, im talking rich cleaver men.

so why not stand up and make a stand if its something you feel that strongly about? what else can you do? go and beat aisan men up? just adds fuel to the fire pal. makes you no better than the guys causing problems.


not a dig mate, far from it, just my 2 pennys worth.


john boy

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round our end burton on trent they are everywhere it is spot the white guy.i think we should have one day a year where we can hunt the f*ckers and thin them out like any pest kept under control :boogie: :boogie: :gunsmilie: atb biza


I couldnt think of a better way to spend boxing day lol


they should put them on the general liscence :whistling:

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Perhaps if we white parents didn't let our 12 year old daughters wander the streets in mini skirts tight tops flashing their belly-button pierces and swigging cheap lager and blagging fags off older guys there might be less of a problem?


Just a thought.

totaly agree there ricW............


If that's the case then maybe the Muslim's are right and all women should be covered from head to toe?


Sorry lads, but anyone who thinks that any girl brings being raped onto herself by the clothes she wears is a F*CKING IDIOT!!!!


It doesn't matter if a girl is walking down the road topless with a sign above her head saying "I'm a slag who loves c*ck" She still doesn't deserve to be raped and dehumanised by anyone!


And on top of that, it wasn't just young girls from broken homes falling around the streets drunk, it was also middle class girls who were being picked up from places like Ice Rinks and Cinema's. So sort your heads out and find out the facts before you start throwing around comments like that! :censored:

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its bad enough when we have asians and other foregners telling us we are a nation of devils and our kids are just whores and whore masters without f*****g lads from here agreeing with them.your the first lot to defend thier traditions and cultures,but in the same breath condem your own.they dont drink or gamble (well thats what they would make us believe) vast maj in this country do drink and gamble and sleep around.not saying its proper and right but its what as a nation we do.not every young person out there is a chav or a ned who gets pissed and causes bother.just the same as you tell us not all muslims are against us and are law abiding.who are we to believe?i can only give an opinion of what i see around me and hear about.really makes me mad when brits f*****g slag of british people and yet as i said furiously defend minoritys.

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all rapists no matter what race should be shot after conviction anyone know what happens to rapists under shria law ??


Sharia law and rape,


A woman must have "4 reliable witnesess" to her being raped,a "reliable witness" means a male witness,so in sharia a man could only be convicted if the woman had 4 male witnesess to her being raped?


Rape victims in muslim countries are often,imprisoned,beaten,lashed and even stoned for "THEIR CRIME OF BEING RAPED"


Islam doesnt hold the male rapist responsible for his actions,thats why women have to wear a tent,if they show anything a male "could be enticed to rape her"


But what do you expect when muslims follow a bloke who shagged a 9 year old when he was 54?


All races,creeds,colours have their share of rapists/perverts,the BIG DIFFERENCE is islam is the only religion [cult imo] that actually condones it and protects the guilty men,this isnt "extremists" or a "small minority" its actually in their culture and religion,but of course "we shouldnt say anything,and have "respect" for their ways/religion otherwise we would be "biggots" or my personal favourite "racist"


PS islam is a "religion" not a f*****g "race"

The nonce caught in Birmingham working in the nursery was he Muslim The women caught messing with kids in the Nurseries in Bristol the Father who imprisoned his own daughters and bred kids from them all white Christians I think these Pakistani men were scum plain and simple dont blame Islam for something that people themselves do all the Catholic priests messing with kids I think you will find they are white christian does that make all catholics scum get a life and live in the real world a b*****d is a b*****d irrespective of race colour or religion.



What dont you understand about "ISLAM CONDONES PEDOPHILIA"? or am i lying about what islam/sharia says about rape,marrying young girls to old men and mohammed being a f*****g nonce?


PS bet its freezing walking round Manchester in those flip flops at the moment? or are they special forces flip flops?

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gonetoearth if you feel so strongly why not go talk to your local athoritys or mp and ask what they are doing to remady the problem? i meen yes this is a public forum and yes it is here for open descution but theres no need to get so angry. anger just leads to more anger fella.

in my area its not druging white girls its drugs! i meen in a big way, they have flooded the area. and it does seem to be mainly young asian males running things. just causing chaos. my nabourhood banded together and contacted the police and demanded that they do something about the situation. a big raid was held and 7 or 8 of the top dealers in the area were arrested. NOW when i say 'top' im not talking about silly little boys running for people, im talking rich cleaver men.

so why not stand up and make a stand if its something you feel that strongly about? what else can you do? go and beat aisan men up? just adds fuel to the fire pal. makes you no better than the guys causing problems.


not a dig mate, far from it, just my 2 pennys worth.


john boy

iam very lucky john no paki's were i live it was my reaction to the interview of jack straw and about seven years ago i was in darwen lancs whilst talking to a lady and nice it was in the area she lived in she brought up the subject , i did not believe what she told me since then the same subject has been in the media several times and the post on here has revealed many differing views even asians them selves are aware of this culture from what has been revealed in the media ,

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Too many islamic apologists on here for my liking ....Those that tried to say it was the lasses faults for wearing sexy gear etc need to have a stern word with your selves


This problem was broght to the medias attention in 2004 yet they still wont show the video in its full entirity


It is racial and its not going away without intervention from the people who live in those areas






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